A Dog to Heel

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises, all I own is my OC.

Inuzuka Compound

   Raijin's eyes snapped open, and he found he was laying in a comfortable bed. Looking to his left and right he realized he wasn't in his room at the Hokage Mansion, then he remembered what happened the other day. He moved the blankets aside with a violent jerk and saw the bandages around his torso, a grimace came to his face and it disappeared quickly when he saw the sliding door open and Kiba walked in. The boy was about to open his mouth but Raijin beat him to it, and it was obvious he wasn't gonna have any argument.
  "Kiba, I want you to go to the Hokage Mansion and get my gear out of room 115. Bring me my mask, uniform and las pistol, bring them to me and tell your mother that we are not done yet." A pale faced Kiba nodded his head before turning and quickly leaving the room, Raijin stood from the bed and ripped the bandages from around his torso, seeing the stitched up cuts and only getting enraged by the sight of them. His gaze snaps back to the door as Tsume marches into the room, obviously Kiba told her what he said.
  "You still want to fight? Right after you just woke up from your injuries and you still want to fight?!" Tsume was enraged but was also impressed at the same time, 'He's relentless', she thought. He stood there glaring at her, murder would be the word best described to how he was staring at her.
  "I didn't say the words, so our fight isn't over. Kiba went to grab my gear, and I will be damned if I allow a hound to beat an elite of Krieg." Without a word, Tsume lunged at him and smacked him across the face, before she could smack him again he caught her hand in an iron grip, both of them staring each other in the eye with rage boiling below the surface.
  "I will make you scream the words these time, by Kami I will make you say it!" The matriarch of the Inuzuka clan yelled in his face before ripping her hand free and leaving the room, slamming the sliding door closed. Raijin paced back and forth across the room, his silent rage building more and more, 'that woman is infuriating', he growls to himself. Minutes pass before a knock announces the rival of Kiba as he walks into the room, he sets the gear down on the bed and looks at Rainin as he picks up his uniform and starts putting it on like a man possessed.
  "You may be my pack mate, but if you hurt my mom I will kill you." Raijin seems to stare at his gear after Kiba's words, he had no intention of causing serious harm to Tsume, he only wanted to make her realize that he would never yield to anyone except the Emperor, and that he would die before surrendering to anyone that wasn't the Emperor.
  "I have no intention of permanently damaging your mother, Kiba. My only intention is to show her that I surrender to no one besides the Emperor of my people, today she will learn that." All other sounds are drowned out to Raijin as he lifts up his gas mask and places it over his head, once it is in place he puts his helmet on and buckles it. Fully geared up his gaze turns to Kiba who physically shudders as the black lenses of the gas mask seem to stare into his soul. The guardsmen of Krieg stands to his full height in his war gear, he checks his equipment one last time before walking out the sliding door not even paying attention to the frightened Kiba following behind him. Kiba tries to get his attention, but realizes that Raijin is not listening, his mind is entirely focused on the fight only a few feet away in the training room. Reaching the training room he barges through the door, Kiba steps back as the door slams shut.

Training Room

  Raijin stands in the exact spot he did the day before, Tsume stands across on the other side of the training room. A small shiver actually goes her spine at the sight of him, she can practically smell the rage and contempt flowing from him. Kuromaru stands beside her, honestly wondering if accepting a challenge from Raijin was a good idea. Tsume opens her mouth to speak, but doesn't get the chance as Raijin dashes across the training room, launching himself from his position which leaves cracks in the concrete floor. Thinking as quick as she can, Tsume brings up a Kunai and blocks the sword slash from Raijin, Kuromaru lunges at Raijin with his teeth bared to latch onto the Kriegsman. A searing hot pain flashed through Kuromaro's mind as the bolt of Raijin's las pistol sears a burn mark onto Kuromaru's flesh, having singed off his fur. Raijin lowered the power of the pistol as he had no intention of killing either of them, but the pain from the bolt was comparable to having a burning piece of wood pressed against ones skin for a minute straight. The blast itself and the pain of it sent Kuromaru stumbling back, Raijin wasn't able to capitalize on this advantage as Tsume was able to knee him in the chest, making him jump back because of the pain and because he knows the hit popped a few stitches on his chest. Tsume raised her hands to call a jutsu while Raijin bolted across the room, he was running along the wall and leaped off, creating a crack in the wall from the power as she shot like an arrow straight at Tsume and Kuromaru, las bolts flew towards both of them as he fired rapidly from the pistol.

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