Snake vs Reaper [Warning]

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. This chapter has a warning, the reason why I will leave up to you to find out.... Have fun. 😈

Forty Fourth Training Ground: Forest of Death

   A smirk comes across Raijin's face when the first set of blood-chilling screams reach them from the forest, an hour after the genin entered the forest. He looks at Anko with a smug grin, he won the bet that they made and he can tell from the slight scowl on her face that she is not happy about it.
   "I believe I have won our wager." He hears Genma trying not to chuckle at the whole predicament. Anko reaches into her coat pocket and hands him the amount of Ryō they bet on. He quickly takes the money from her and places the money in his coat. Looking at the forest he sighs to himself as he starts walking toward the fence, catching both of them off guard.
  "I'm gonna head inside, I'll head to the tower and make contact with the proctors that are there. Should I run into trouble I'll send a clone back to rendezvous with you." Anko smirks at him while Genma sighs to himself, 'how does this guy never stay in one place?'. With a quick sprinting leap, Raijin clears the fence and disappears into the forest, only imagining what he will run into and the carnage he will witness.

  Hours Later: Forest of Death

     Raijin sits on a branch, looking from tree to tree and judging his next move. Since entering the forest, he has had his fair share of seeing genin teams completely butchered by other teams or by the environment. He was silent as the grave, for he felt something wasn't right, since he entered the forest he felt mostly at ease because of the fact he is a proctor and a Jōnin. However, he feels like he has entered a zone or area of danger if his time in the imperial guard has taught him anything. The absolute silence of the area only confirms it, not even the sounds of insects can be heard. Deciding to keep moving, Raijin leaps to the next branch and quickly ducks down as a kunai goes flying by his head. Thinking quickly, Raijin aims his las pistol at where the kunai flew from, he almost fires but sees that it is team seven and they are retreating from something or someone.
   "Raijin, thank Kami it's you!" Sakura yells as all three of them leap back as a lone female grass shinobi is chasing after them. However, Raijin can immediately tell that the female is no regular shinobi, not human like at all with her movements, more like a snake. This caught Raijin's immediate attention as he leapt in front of team seven, keeping them behind him.
   "Orochimaru, I should've known you'd show up eventually." Raijin snarled from behind his mask, his pistol aimed at the disguised snake sannin while unsheathing his sword. The three genin behind him paled at who's name he just uttered, all of them having heard of him and the atrocities he has committed.
   "My soon to be student, I must say I am surprised to see you here." The distorted female voice responds to Raijin, causing shivers of fear to run down the genins backs.
   "You won't get what you're after, I can guarantee you that." A dark chuckle escapes Orochimaru as he stares at Raijin, looking between Raijin and Sasuke as if weighing his options. Moving a hand up to his face he peels off the skin to reveal his true visage, the snake like eyes seeming to stare into the souls of the three genin, while only being met by the black lenses of Raijin's mask. Chuckling even more, he seems to have made up his mind about something, looking straight ahead into Raijin's mask he smirks.
   "I can always come back for the sharingan at a different time, Sasuke will come to me for power. However, I cannot resist taking one of Konoha's best weapons from them any longer." Raijin crouches slightly into a fighting stance, keeping his eyes on Orochimaru.
   "You three, get out of here. Naruto, send clones back and alert the others... I'll deal with this abomination. Get to the tower, there will be other proctors there." The three genin look at him as if he is crazy, but they know not to argue with him. All three of them leap away, but Orochimaru doesn't plan on letting them live. He launches himself upwards towards Sakura, but is halfway by Raijin who delivers a devastating kick to the side of the snake sannins head, sending him flying down into a tree branch.
   "Run you fools, get the fuck out of here!" Raijin yells loud enough for the three genin to hear him as he fires his las pistol as fast as he can at where Orochimaru impacted, trying to keep the sannin at bay. Raising his sword up, he brings it down onto the branch he stands on, not planning on letting the abomination get out of the forest without a fight.
    "Lightning Release: Earthshaker." Driving his sword into the branch, massive bolts of lightning begin to strike at random trees and even towards the forest floor, slowly starting to set the area ablaze. Raijin breathes deeply through the mask, keeping his eyes peeled and head on a swivel. The reason being is because the body of Orochimaru on the impacted branch isn't there, Raijin leaps upwards as the head of Orochimaru flies towards him from his right, the abomination had extended his neck and tried to bite Raijin on the neck. A sharp pain erupts down Raijin's arm, he looks and sees a snake has latched itself onto him and sees it is connected to where Orochimaru stands as part of his arm. Dropping his las pistol, Raijin clasps his hand onto the snakes head.
   "Lightning Release: Siege Line!" Like a rippling effect, electricity shoots from his hand down the snake towards Orochimaru before detonating like an electric bomb, sending him and Orochimaru flying in different directions.

  Raijin slams into a tree trunk and slumps downwards, the lenses of his mask are cracked and bleeding from wounds caused by his own jutsu, as the jutsu can cause damage to the user and the enemy. Standing to his full height, he sees an enraged Orochimaru holding his left arm, blood is oozing down the damaged limb onto the tree branch. Raising his sword, Raijin points it at Orochimaru and sends chakra charging into it. The next jutsu he has in mind is absolutely a last resort, but it will also be a beacon to all those inside and outside the forest that something is very wrong. He launches himself towards Orochimaru, while Orochimaru extends his neck and flies his head towards Raijin, believing that the younger shinobi doesn't have anything left and is simply attacking with his swords.
   "Lightning Release: Exterminatus!!" The jutsu releases just as Orochimaru's fangs find themselves buried into the side of Raijin's neck, piercing through his coat and into the flesh below. However, Orochimaru was not able to escape the devastating strike of lightning that landed only a couple of feet away from him, which sent him flying and detaching his fangs from Raijin's neck. Massive tree branches and limbs were obliterated and sent flying through the air, either as splinters or full sized branches. The strike went straight through the branch and down to the forest floor, burrowing down and severing roots, completely uprooting some of the massive trees and sending them crashing towards the forest floor. Darkness was the last thing Raijin saw, the last thing he heard was a scream of rage and of pain from Orochimaru. His trajectory sent him flying towards the ground, his shoulder making impact first as bones broke, shaking Raijin back awake with a loud yell of pain as his body dug a trench into the ground because of the force. Coming to a stop, Raijin panted loudly in pain as tore his mask off his face as it was complete unusable. He tried to stand up, only for darkness to envelop him again as he fell to his knees and slumped against the side of a fallen tree, blood flowing from various wounds it will only be a matter of time before someone or something finds him.

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