Authors Note

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I just want to take a quick moment and say thank you to all of you who have read and voted for this story. I did not think it would get popular as quickly as it did, nor did I think I would have the support from the various people who have voted and left comments on the various chapters. I started writing this story in early August if I remember correctly, and it's come so far in such a short amount of time.

Once again I want to say thank you to all of you who have read the story and voted on it, and left comments which greatly helped as it made me realize even more how much support the story was generating. Thank you all, very much. More chapters are to come in the near future and I hope you will enjoy them all.

Warhammer 40K has been a passion of mine since my high school days many years ago, I even remember that I discovered it when I played Warhammer 40K Space Marine on the Xbox 360. That is when I fell down the rabbit hole that is Warhammer 40k, and I am glad I never went back. I openly admit I am a nerd for the franchise and all the stories and games created of it, most importantly the lore and history.

While at the same time, I grew up through elementary school watching Naruto when it first aired on Cartoon Network. I fell away from the franchise when I got into high school, and now I am rediscovering it's through researching the character and even rewatching it on Netflix. This story revitalized a piece of myself, and I am happy that you all are as supportive as you have been. Once again, thank you and I will see you again when the next chapter is released.

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