The Reaper meets a Sannin

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and franchises. All I own is my OC, thank you for your time and enjoy the show.

Forest path to Konoha

  Raijin leapt from tree to tree, trying to catch up with his team who were no doubt far ahead of him. While leaping through the trees, he had a distinct feeling of being watch, by what he did not know but he wasn't gonna take the chance of leading whatever it was back to his team. Stopping on a tree limb he would unsling his las gun of his back, aiming at a tree across from him but making sure he was aware of his surrounding, he'd make his intentions clear.
  "Make yourself known, whoever you are. I will burn this entire forest to the ground with you and I in it." What he did not expect was chuckle to greet his ears as a man slowly walked down from the top of the tree he was aiming at, coming to stand on a branch on equal level with Raijin. The man had pale almost alabaster white skin, but what caught Raijin's attention was his eyes which were snake like with an oddly purple coloring on them.
  "Well, well, you are as cunning as I've heard. I see you also wear my former headband on your arm, my sensei is getting sentimental in his old age is he?" The figure chuckles darkly even more, Raijin doesn't take his aim off the figure as he puts two and two together.
  "You're the student that betrayed him. You're a traitor, a spineless traitor." All sense of mirth left the mans face, a slight snarl took up his features as he stared at Raijin before calming himself as his face returned to the cruel smirk he had.
  "I feel introductions are in order, I am Orochimaru. No need to tell me who you are, I already know who you are, Raijin Krieg, 'The Reaper', 'Tailless Beast of Konoha'. Such a reputation in such a short amount of time, you're very good at what you do." The warrior of Krieg did not move a muscle or take his eyes off the man as he talked, Orochimaru lifted a hand to his mouth and lightly touched his lip.
  "Yet, something is amiss. Do you know what that is?" Silence is what greets the snake Sannin, so he decides to continue.
  "Power, pure power is what is missing. I watched what you did to those shinobi of the Hidden Mist, yet you could be far more powerful." Raijin steps closer to the man, as he truly doesn't know how dangerous Orochimaru is or what he is capable of.
  "Get to the point, traitor." A slight scowl appears in Orochimaru's face momentarily before disappearing.
  "Join me, join my village and you will discover power you never knew was possible. The people of the Hidden Leaf won't be able to hold you back, like I know they will. Consider my offer, Raijin Krieg, consider it and you will become more powerful than the Third Hokage himself." The sannin reaches down to his pocket, prompting Raijin to raise his las rifle so it's aimed at Orochimaru's face. Orochimaru takes note of it, but merely chuckles as he pulls a Otogakure headband from his pocket and tosses it to Raijin who catches it with one hand, while keeping hold of his las gun. Looking up from the headband he sees that Orochimaru is already gone, looking back down at the headband he stares at it for a few minutes store placing it in his pocket, then starts leaping off into a separate direction to make sure that Orochimaru doesn't follow him back to his team. Orochimaru on the other hand was standing at the top of a separate tree with a smirk on his face, 'Raijin Krieg, you don't know it yet, but you will be my pupil soon enough', the snake sannin thought to himself before leaving the scene entirely.

  After his encounter with the traitor Orochimaru, Raijin was currently going a different route to either rendezvous with the team or go straight on to Konoha. Knowing that the team is probably farther ahead of him, he would be better off just going straight back to the village, as he knows that he'll have to go to the Hokage and report what happened with the Hidden Mist shinobi as well as Orochimaru. The thought still came to him about what Orochimaru offered him, and the Sound Village headband in his pocket seemed to weigh heavy on his mind, he was loyal to Konoha to an absolute fault. However, he was human like anyone else and knew that the worthless civilian populace saw him as a monster, despite him doing what is right and following the laws set down by the Hokage and those that came before him. Times like this by himself let his mind wander and let him think about his current place in Konoha, along with that he also thought about all the things that he's done and learned. One thing above all else was sure, he was a soldier, a guardsmen of the Imperium and a shinobi of Konoha. Should there be one thing he accomplishes in this world, he will do what all guardsmen of the Imperium have done for millennia on end, he will fight standing and he will die standing.

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