Blood Bath (Warning)

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Disclaimer: Once more, I do not own any of the art involved in this story and they belong to their respective owners and franchises, I only have control of the OC involved. This chapter is gonna be bloody, not even gonna sugar coat it. The Reaper will be hunting.

Konoha Hospital

   Groaning loudly, Raijin opens his eyes and is caught by surprise that he isn't in the Inuzuka compound but a sterilized and well kept hospital room. What surprises him even more, is when he looks to his right he sees Tsume sitting in a chair, her head resting on the bed sheets, 'what is she doing here?', he thinks while raising a brow in curiosity. This curiosity turns to slight panic as he looks around the room and sees that non of his gear is present, his panic subsides when he hears a feminine yawn. Looking back towards Tsume he notices she has finally woken up, her gaze fixed on him and he feels himself tenses up, believing her to be here to finish him off. That is quickly dashed when she lunges onto the bed and pulls him into a suffocating hug, his head firmly pressed against her breasts.
  "I thought you were gonna bleed to death." Her voice shook slightly, as she tried to hide her tears against his shirt. Tsume was not one to appear emotional in front of others who weren't here family, but something about Raijin made her feel comfortable, even though he beat her to a bloody pulp three days ago.
  "How long have I been in this place?" A sigh comes from the older woman, as she is still getting over the fact he woke up.
  "You have been in here for three days, the medical nin thought you'd be in a coma for months because of the blood loss." Eyes widening Raijin attempts to get out of the bed and is stopped by Tsume.
  "Calm down, Raijin, you just woke up for Kami's sake." Raijin looks at her before relaxing against the pillow of the bed,  his head resting against the wall while he looks straight ahead. She moves closer to him and raises her hand, gently running her fingers through his short hair.
  "Do you know when I'll be released?" Still running her fingers through his hair, she smirks, 'he already wants to get back out on missions'.
"The medical nin that if you woke up sooner than they expected, they'd give you a quick check up before releasing you." Nodding his head in understanding, Raijin could feel himself calming down from his usual tense state of mind, Tsume running her fingers through his hair and slightly against his scalp made him at ease for the first time in his entire life. Tsume, not wanting to push her boundaries, gently guides Raijin's head to rest against her breasts. A satisfied smirk played out on her face, though he obviously could not see it.
  "You want to know what I would've asked for if you yielded?" Her calming voice whispers into his ears while he rests.
  "What would you have asked for?" Tsume stops herself from chuckling at the much more calmer voice coming from him.
  "I would've had you join my clan?" Raijin leans his head up to stare into her eyes, trying to see if she was telling the truth or not.
  "Why?" Tsume blushes, she didn't imagine he would actually ask for her reasons of wanting him in the clan.
  "Well, I-" Her statement is cut off as three medical nin walk into the room. Tsume comes close to yelling at them, but thinks better of it as she moves herself from the bed to the chair.
  "We didn't expect you would wake up this early." One of the medical nins reiterates what Tsume already told Raijin.
   "So I have heard, can you release me from here so I may go about my responsibilities?" A soft sigh comes from Tsume, she should've known he would want to go right back to training and out on missions.
  "Certainly, if you could stand from the bed we can go over the check up in this room." Raijin nods as he starts to get up from the bed, unbeknownst to him, he was onto wearing undergarments which where form fitting boxers that leaves nothing to the imagination. Two of the medical nins who are women, look away and blush heavily, while Tsume herself fully stares at him, both his up and lower body. The only other male in the room, that being one of the three medical nins, walks up to Raijin and does a quick once over check up, checking to make sure that the cuts have healed properly and that nothing was heavily damaged such as tendons or joints.

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