A Broken Soul

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and the franchises that created them. I only have control of the OC that I made. Note, this chapter delves deep into the psyche of a human conditioned and trained to kill without feeling and without any emotion, and those that try to break him of that cycle.

Bandit Camp

Kurenai stared at Raijin, here he was completely covered in blood of an enemy he butchered, and all he said was, 'mission accomplished, enemy neutralized'. He was bleeding from a kunai stab to the shoulder, and was still showing nothing, no pain, no emotion, nothing at all. She looked at the bandits they had tied up and were still alive, then back to Raijin, seemingly like a machine he would place the head protector of the dead missin nin into a pocket on his coat, before putting his handheld weapon back and picking up his lasgun, she already knew what he was thinking and started walking briskly towards him. Making sure to keep the rest of the team behind her, in case he reacted violently.
  "You are not going to do it, they surrendered and the mission is over, the gold is safe and will be returned."
  "They are still scum and need to be treated like scum, killing them is what's best and it was our orders to eliminate them." He walks forward as well, walking straight toward Kurenai even though his eyes are fixed on the remaining bandits who are currently tied up and sitting on their knees.
  "Dead or alive were the orders, Raijin, they are tied up and not a threat." Raijin still didn't seem to stop, they were only three feet away from each other and Kurenai knew that if she didn't stop him somehow he would kill all of them.
  "Stand down Raijin." Her voice reaches him and he stops in his place and stares at her, she didn't want to do this but realized it would be the only way for the bandits to face trial and be sent to prison.
  "Those men will stand trial and-" She didn't get to finish her words as Raijin interrupts her.
  "Trial, what trial? The facts of what they did and all the evidence is right here, and it was in the very briefing what they did. There is no inquisitor to pass judgement, we are the judgement, we are here right now to pass the final punishment on them and I will do what needs to be done. They stopped being human the moment they committed their crime, and I will see to it they never do it again. Now, stand aside." The three genin and the ninken pup watch on, feeling the tension in the air as their sensei and teammate show no signs of budging on the matter, one of them breaks the silence, hoping to somehow change the subject.
  "R-Raijin, w-why are you like this?" Silence reigns once again as Raijin turns his head to look at Hinata, the question actually confused him, as he had no idea why she asked it.
  "Because, it's who I am." Before he can say anything else, Kiba butts in and starts talking.
  "That's not right, no one I know acts like you do. You are silent as the grave and when you fight you only fight to kill, not to incapacitate or capture." There is a small stint of silence, then Raijin speaks again.
  "That is how we are trained, we are trained to be the most efficient and brutal fighting force within the Imperial Guard, we know nothing but our servitude and our eventual death, that is all that matters and nothing else. Emotions... attachments... they are but fleeting and worthless to us and our cause. Our cause to rid the galaxy of the xenos and the ruinous powers." His attention snaps back to the bandits who seems to try and huddle closer, the gas mask seeming to send a baleful gaze at them.
  "Along with that, to ride the galaxy of scum like them, traitors to their own kind, and I will eliminate them. Stand out of my way." His tone is still cold and merciless, obviously his mind hasn't changed at all as he still wants to kill them.
  "Raijin, I am ordering you to stand down. That is the last time I will give that order. You are no longer in your world, you are no longer under whatever higher power you believe in... You can be human again." Raijin seethes internally at her words, he has always been human, he is what humans need to be to achieve their way in the world and he will be damned if he changes because some red eyed witch says otherwise.

Raijin, without saying another word, slings his rifle onto his shoulder and starts walking towards one of the wagons sitting near the trees.
  "You wish to take them in alive, but I am telling you that it will be easier to kill them, rather than let that gold mine owner do to them what he wishes. Because the bounty said to return the gold, and return any prisoners alive, so I suggest we get moving." Kurenai and the rest of the team let out a collective sigh, feeling more relaxed that he isn't trying to kill the prisoners. Kiba walks go to Kurenai, still a bit shocked over everything.
  "Kurenai-sensei, he honestly scares me." Looking at her student she knows what he means, Raijin proved to be a capable fighter, no doubt about that, but his aggression and sheer lack of human compassion and emotions, make him a very dangerous individual, who would go to any lengths to complete a mission, he just proved that. She hopes that after they complete the mission she will be able to talk with the Hokage about his actions, many shinobi have become missing nins because they would go to any lengths to complete a mission, she doesn't want Raijin to become one of them. After a few minutes of shuffling the prisoners into what space they can on the wagons, they would move out. Hoping they could return the gold sooner rather than later, as the mission itself paid a hefty amount of Ryō.

Three Days Later

After a week and a day, Team 8 finally returns to Konoha, walking through the gates of the village the genin couldn't be more happy to be back. The mission itself was tiring as well as traumatic to a certain extent, given how Raijin wanted to kill off the prisoners after the initial fight was over. Raijin got the reward for the missing nin by showing the head protector to the gold mine owner, but decided to keep the protector as a souvenir for his first mission. Kurenai had many things to talk about with the Hokage after they reported the mission a success, she didn't want Raijin in the room when she spoke about it, that's for sure. While they walked, various villagers gave Raijin the same kind of disdainful looks they would give Naruto, Kurenai knew why but didn't say anything as it wouldn't change a thing.

Hokage Mansion

Getting to the mansion, they go through the same routine as before, being lead to the Hokage's office they are allowed entry to report the mission.Hiruzen once more looks up from his paperwork and smiles softly at seeing the team, but his expression changes slightly at seeing the serious look on Kurenai's face.
  "Report on the mission?" Hiruzen asks, taking a puff from his pipe.
  "Mission was a success, gold wagons found and returned, enemy missing nin was killed and those captured were turned in for trial." Hiruzen nods, but knows there is more she wishes to talk about based on her expression.
  "Good, I'll see to you that you are paid within the week, you are all dismissed." The three genin walk out do the office, all three talking to one another about what they're gonna do at home. Raijin snaps his heels together and leaves the room, not having said a word at all since the team entered the village.
  "I know you said he has potential, but we need to do something about his complete lack of emotions, he's practically a machine." Hiruzen puffs from his pipe and nods his head.
  "I thought that would be what you brought up, I've looked into having him get a mental evaluation along with his physical evaluation, to see where he stands. Hopefully by being around your team and other shinobi of the village, it will start to change him." Kurenai sighs deeply and nods her head.
  "I hope so Hokage, sir, I hope so."

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