Chapter 1

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Week 1, Day 1

Beau hesitantly climbed onto the cramped bus with Sage close behind him. The two had both caught a flight from Tennessee to Washington. Of course, Sage had also had to get one from Ohio to Tennessee. They had each had about a week to spend at home packing bags and sorting out classes but overall it had been refreshing to leave. Beau couldn't stand to be home anymore...

As much as he loved his family, everywhere he looked reminded him of Lukas. Sometimes he was sure he could even see and hear Lukas. He was going crazy there and needed to get out. He could only hope that Washington would be better. Washington was everything Tennessee wasn't for Beau. He knew that they were supposedly more accepting of different gay people like himself, that it was much colder and rained more often, and he'd finally get a fresh start. If the weather was nicer it would have been a safe haven.

Sage collapsed onto a bus seat and set her bag on the floor. Despite Sage's terrifying exterior, she was a small girl and easily brought her knees to her chest fitting perfectly on the seat. She rested her head against the window and Beau was about to sit down when the bus driver scowled.

"Girls and boys in separate seats. It's easier to get everyone off that way" He scoffed. Beau sighed and took the seat in front of Sage instead. What the bus driver had said made sense but it didn't make it any less annoying. Boys would be dropped off at Westwood first and he likely didn't want to have to deal with having to have girls move out of the way so they could get off. It was less chaotic this way.

Beau's chest tightened when he spotted the familiar dark-haired boy climb on. He looked different outside of the hospital. Instead of the sweatpants and t-shirts, he always wore he was wearing a plain black t-shirt over a black and white striped long-sleeve one. He wore nice blue jeans and black shoes as well. His hair fell nicely down to the bottom of his ear and his earings lightly peaked out from behind.

"Hey, Beau right?" Aiden asked as he stopped at Beau's seat. "Mind if I sit?" Beau nodded and moved his bag out of the way only for Aiden to collapse beside him. "I am exhausted... I've never been on a plane before now and I hated every second of it... It's so stressful"

"Hey bunny" A teasing voice cooed from behind them. Sage was now alert and no longer as tired as she appeared to be only moments ago. Her arms lay lazily across the back of their seat as her head poked over the top.

"I told you to stop calling me that years ago" Aiden scoffed. "It isn't like your boyfriend is here so you can drop the act"

"He isn't my boyfriend anymore, bitch" Sage scowled.

"It took you that long to realize dating someone twice your age is weird?" Aiden chuckled. Beau shifted uncomfortably. At first, he had thought Sage was just being overdramatic when she said she didn't like Aiden. Now he realized they were at one another's throats instantly. This probably wasn't the best choice of seating.

"Oh shut it, you dated Sebastian. You don't get to talk" Sage scoffed. Aiden's smirk fell and he only rolled his eyes before looking straight forward, trying to ignore the girl behind him. "What's the matter, Bunny? Don't like the taste of your own medicine?"

"Not particularly, no" Aiden muttered. "And seriously, stop calling me that"

"What is it with you and nicknames?" Beau added with a light-hearted chuckle. He wanted to steer away from the negativity the two had brought and attempt to get a more friendly conversation going.

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