Chapter 23

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"What are we going to do?" Beau whispered. His head lay on a handsome, blonde, country-boys chest and his fingers clutched onto the ends of his shirt. He never wanted this to end... He didn't want the Summer to leave him. He didn't want to go back to school and spent nine torturous months pretending to be nothing more than Lukas's friend. He wanted to stay in late August, clinging onto Lukas like he'd never be able to again... Little did he know how true that statement was.

"We're going to tough it out, move to Nevada, get through college, get married and have our honeymoon in... Where was it you always wanted to go? Bosnia?" Lukas asked as he ran his fingers through his pretty boy's hair.

"You really think we can last that long?" Beau whispered. His heart was breaking at just the idea of not being with Lukas... He couldn't even imagine the reality of it. So he had to pray that it would be him and Lukas in the end. Lukas pulled Beau into his lap so he could meet those pretty blue eyes he had fallen in love with about a million times over. His fingers glided down Beau's face and ran through his hair before a bright smile reached the blonde's lips.

"Listen here, Sunshine" Beau rolled his eyes at the terrible nickname. "We've been best friends for what? Fourteen going on fifteen years now? Of course, we'll make it... Especially since I've managed to put up with your grumpy attitude in the mornings for this long" Lukas chuckled.

"What happens next?" Beau whispered. He closed his eyes, leaning into Lukas's touch. He wanted to hear how the story ended... He wanted to know that they had a happy ending.

"Next?" Lukas sighed as he thought over all of the different possibilities. "We're going to buy a farm and you're going to become a teacher at a nearby school while I work it. We're going to adopt two kids, a girl, and a boy. We're going to be happy till death do us part, love" he hummed the last part happily... But if he only knew how right he was.

Beau didn't answer. He pulled the boy in for a long and slow kiss. Lukas and Beau were a lot alike... They were both shy when it came to anything sexual. But Lukas made Beau look like a sex-addict. He never touched Beau underneath their clothing. Beau was sure the most they had ever done was that one time Beau had gotten him to moan during a kiss. Lukas had taken a purity pledge and stuck by it to a T... Beau, on the other hand, had only taken it because Lukas was taking it. He planned on breaking it the moment he got his first boyfriend... And then he thought he had a chance with Lukas. And he was willing to wait... Now he wasn't so sure.

Lukas was a chaste kisser. He liked loving and tender kisses rather than kissing for the sake of kissing. He liked it when they meant something and Beau loved that about him... How gentle he always was, how he always asked for every small thing, and especially how flustered he had gotten when Beau had tried taking things any further. Beau had practically danced in excitement at just the sight of Lukas blushing...

A loud ringing cut in causing both boys to groan as Lukas answered his phone. He went through a quick conversation that led Beau to know that his time with Lukas was cut short.

"I've got to go" Lukas sighed as he ran the back of his hand down Beau's cheek. He never was ready to say goodbye...

"I'm not getting up" Beau protested. If he had it his way, Lukas would lay in the hay room with him for eternity. They'd talk for hours... They'd kiss, a lot... And they'd just be happy. They'd just be them.

"Please. My dad will kill me if I don't fix the tractor" Lukas groaned. But still, Beau wouldn't budge. So instead, Lukas gripped the boy's chin and pulled him in. "I love you" kiss "I love you" kiss "I love you" kiss "how many times do I have to say it?"

"I don't think you could ever say it enough" Beau sighed before placing one last peck on the boy's lips. "You can leave now"


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