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"I think we need to break up" Austin groaned.

"Quit being dramatic" Jullian rolled his eyes. "Let go, I have school, bubs"

"It is perfectly reasonable to want to break up with someone for getting up at the ass-crack of dawn" Austin deadpanned. Jullian shot a quick glare down at the shirtless boy in his bed. Austin wore a bright smirk, his hands behind his head and he was no longer Jullian's white-haired boy. Austin had switched to an ombre color consisting of a million shades of brown and blonde about a month ago. For a while, he had had it a bright teal that Jullian had enjoyed, but he had gotten too many complaints at work.

"I'm not doing this every goddamn morning, twink" Jullian scoffed. Austin let go instantly and even made it a point to shove a pillow in the boy's face.

"Fuck off. I told you to stop calling me a twink. I don't even want you here anymore... Get out of my house" The blue-eyed boy groaned before yanking the blankets back over his body. Jullian rolled his eyes but couldn't help smiling to himself. He had been living with Austin for a few months now and it wasn't terrible. There were a few difficulties when it came to Austin's inability to keep a room clean and Jullian's need to have everything in place. Or the fact that Austin liked hot showers and threw a fit if Jullian even suggested a cold one. Or maybe when Austin thought he knew how to cook and almost burnt down the apartment twice. Austin was now banned from the kitchen.

"You're picking up the cake, yeah?"

"Let me top and I'll tell you" Austin deadpanned. Jullian rolled his eyes at that. Austin had been asking for weeks now. Jullian decided that was a hard no, but Austin was persistent. It sounded uncomfortable and maybe a bit painful and wasn't something Jullian ever wanted to try.

"No" Jullian scoffed.

"Then whether or not we have a cake will be a surprise to you" Austin hummed.

"Fine by me"

"Please Jules. Just one time" Austin sat up with that stupid smile Jullian had accidentally fallen in love with. "Who knows" he hummed. "You might like it"

"You're going to make me late" Jullian sighed. He placed a quick kiss on his boyfriend's lips before heading toward his - well, at this point it was more Austin's - closet. He dug around the accessive pile of crop tops, fishnets, mesh, and skinny jeans before rolling his eyes. How hard should it be to find one god damn t-shirt and a pair of jeans? "Retail therapy isn't real therapy, Austin" Jullian scowled as he found another shirt that's tag hadn't even been removed.

"Whatever. I only have a few more hours until they start arriving from the airport and you get back from school and start harassing me. Let me sleep" Austin pulled a pillow over his face knowing very well that he couldn't sleep without Jullian. It felt weird to sleep alone now... The worst part was that it meant when Jullian had to get up early for soccer or when he had an away game, Austin got little to no sleep.

"Love you, bub" Jullian chuckled before placing a quick kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.

"Love you too" Austin huffed.

Austin sighed as Jullian left for school and sat up feeling exhausted. He liked living in Chicago... He liked his job, he hated his friends, he loved Jullian... Everything was perfect. He got to teach middle-aged married couples how to dance which was funny as hell to him. The wives were always insanely homophobic or absolutely adored him. Hell, some of them even brought him cookies or pies to take home to Jullian. Austin had a few clients that knew one another which was always fun. He got to hear about all of the drama between them and their kids. He hated it so much that he loved it.

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