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"I almost don't want to leave" Beau admitted as he folded the remaining clothing and stuffed it into his bags. He wasn't sure how he felt about leaving Westwood... He wasn't sure where he'd go or what he wanted to do. Maybe he'd take a year off before trying to get into college... He had applied to a few places across the states but highly doubted he'd get in anywhere. He had good grades and had always been exceptionally good at writing essays. But he doubted many colleges wanted an arsonist to attend.

He had arrived at Westwood distraught and lost... All he wanted was to develop decent coping skills and make Lukas proud. He was an empty shell of his optimistic and bright self Lukas had ripped away from him... He was lost and confused and had freaked out because he had kissed Aiden... Now he was happy with the friendship he and Aiden had built... He still had feelings for him, but he was content and happy around him.

He found himself smiling more. It wasn't a forced smile or a half-hearted one anymore. He wasn't just smiling when he was around people he liked but he found himself smiling at strangers and meaning it. He found himself smiling when he answered questions in school or when he was performing simple tasks... Beau always smiled before because Lukas was always at his side. He smiled because he loved life. He was always happy because he had a reason to be happy.

Now he was smiling not for Aiden or Jullian or Markos... For the first time in a long time, he was smiling for himself. He was smiling because he loved himself inside and out. He wasn't a monster for wanting to be happy with someone after Lukas... He was just a boy that was ready to move on and be happy.

He had managed to build stable and strong friendships too... Not only was there Aiden who had helped him through everything with Lukas but he had Markos and Jullian. Markos had quickly become a brotherly figure to him. He helped him navigate a world outside of his small, conservative town. He made Beau more comfortable to express his more feminine side. He got rid of Aiden's insecurities about having more feminine and softer features rather than the sharp jaw and chiseled face Beau had once thought everyone wanted.

He made Beau more comfortable wearing pink, offered to paint Beau's nails, and even made Beau consider piercing his ears. Beau had arrived at Westwood with a lot of prejudices and silent judgemental thoughts that had been carved into him from a young age. His mother, bless her, was an amazing person but had taught Beau that modesty was always best. She had taught him that God worked in mysterious ways and that he shouldn't question things. To just listen and move on. He had believed that anyone different was wrong. Markos had helped undo those prejudices alongside Aiden.

Jullian had become the only person he felt completely comfortable confiding in about Lukas or any difficulties he had when it came to balancing his religion and his sexuality. Jullian understood the pressure he felt to be perfect. To uphold morals engraved into him from a young age. He understood that religion wasn't just a beautiful thing or a toxic environment... Not many people seemed to understand that it was both. His religion was beautiful because he reassured him that Lukas was happy and in paradise. But the people could still be incredibly toxic. Jullian understood that.

Jullian had been one of the only people who knew what it was like to lose someone they were close to. He was the one Beau confided in when he wasn't sure how to deal with Lukas. Jullian had taught Beau to be more upfront about how he felt. How to be honest and the importance of processing and acknowledging negative emotions...

And then there was Aiden. Aiden had changed Beau's life for the better... He made Beau smile even on his worst days. He stood by Beau at all times... He took him when he was at his lowest point, made him laugh when he was at his highest... He was always there. He made Beau want to live the life he always wanted to live... Even if it was without Lukas. He gave Beau hope for a brighter future... He made Beau happy.

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