Chapter 33

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"Hypocrite" Austin moaned. Jullian rolled his eyes and kissed down Austin's neck. His hand lightly palmed the tent growing in the boy's boxers and the other was running up and down Austin's side and chest, under his shirt.

"Blowjobs and handjobs don't count" Jullian hummed, receiving a snort in response. Austin went to give a snarky reply when Jullian's hand finally slipped down his boxers and a low moan escaped instead. Austin caught Jullian in a quick opened mouth kiss as his hips lightly bucked forward, desperate for any form of friction... This was one way to start off the morning.

Jullian pulled away and pulled the shirt he thought had gone missing over Austin's head. He would definitely be stealing that back today. There was no way in hell he was letting Austin get away with that. Sarah's cloth stealing problem was bad enough and they weren't even dating.

He kissed down the boy's chest, leaving slow and teasing kisses similar to what Austin had done to him countless times. Jullian wasn't necessarily used to giving head... That was more Austin's thing and he usually stuck to handjobs. He had done it before, once with Luca and twice with Austin. He just had to mimic what people had done to him in the past and home for the best.

He smirked slightly at how needy Austin had become in a matter of minutes. Austin wasn't one to beg, but he did catch an attitude quickly. He squirmed underneath Jullian in discomfort, silently begging for Jullian to hurry up and take him.

"Jullian I swear to god, I will not hesitate to go full Carrie Underwood on your ass if you don't hurry this up" Austin groaned making Jullian laugh. He rolled his eyes, despite his smile, and finally pulled down the boy's boxers. Austin let out a loud and satisfied moan as Jullian finally kissed his head and took the boy into his mouth. His had slowly moved up and down, savoring how quickly Austin turned into a moaning mess.

Jullian instantly felt hands tangled in his hair, readjusting him to a quicker and more heated pace. He lightly sucked and licked where he knew it felt best... Feeling Austin grow harder in his mouth with each passing moment. He risked a glance up at the white-haired boy and the sight alone was enough to drive him crazy. His head thrown back, showing off his hickey-stained neck as moans and whimpers escaped his lips. Jullian had complete control over this and he loved it... The sight alone was enough to turn him on.

He shoved his hand down his pants, carefully stroking himself as Austin squirmed, obviously resisting the urge to buck his hips as he had earlier. Austin bit down on his lip to suppress another moan as a knot built in his stomach.

"Jullian" Austin moaned out. "I-I'm close" another wave of pleasure washed over the boy making him throw his head back with another moan. And it didn't take long for him to reach his climax and a salty flavor to fill Jullian's mouth. Austin wasted no time in pulling Jullian up for a kiss. "Let me repay the favor" he breathed.


Beau was used to waking up in the field. He was used to reliving every memory he had with Lukas on repeat whenever he closed his eyes. It was better though... He didn't cry when he woke up as often. And sometimes he even had normal dreams or no dreams at all. He was getting a little bit better with every passing day... So tonight when he woke up behind the church with Lukas's arm around him, he was at peace.

The sun was nearly gone, but it was still warm out. The church bells echoed in the background and Beau expected people to come flooding out, but nobody came. Lukas's pale eyes were locked on Beau's hands as the copper-haired boy twirled a white dahlia in his fingers. Lukas always had a soft and gentle voice... He loved to mess around and sing off-key or loudly to annoy Beau... But not this time. His voice was alluring and echoed in Beau's mind. He rested his head on Lukas's shoulder, closing his eyes as he listened to each word carefully.

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