Chapter 6

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"You really shouldn't touch that" A light-hearted chuckle echoed through the nearly empty living room. There was an old couch made of cheap leather and covered in small holes from cigarettes. The house had the permanent stench of weed lingering in it and there was an old tv, glitching from channel to channel in the corner. Aiden knew it would be ignored for a while, especially since it was muted.

Aiden smiled as he set down the glass bong, taking one last glance at it. He admired the dark green and violet glass. He hated how it smelt, but he always thought they looked so pretty... He finally glanced up to find his pretty boy hovering above his spot on the couch. Sebastian wasted no time in gripping the younger boy's chin and pulling him in for a deep and passionate kiss.

Aiden was lucky. In a small town, there weren't many people so open about their sexuality. And out of those few people, there was only one Aiden thought was worth his time. Sebastian was perfect. He was a few years older, Aiden only being a Freshmen and Sebastian being a Senior, but it didn't bother him. Sebastian was mature, he was funny and popular too. Aiden was surprised the boy gave him the time of day.

"Hey, Sebs... I missed you" Aiden admitted with a faint blush. Sebastian smiled and sat down beside Aiden holding a small bag.

"I got you something" Aiden's face lit up as he accepted the thin plastic bag and unraveled it to find an abundance of Kit-Kats... Aiden's favorite.

"Oh my god. I love you so much right now" Aiden laughed he threw his arms around the older boy's neck and pressed a loving kiss to his left cheek. Sebastian only laughed and lightly twirled the ends of Aiden's hair with his finger. It was still long and it would have normally been in braids if Aiden hadn't gotten out of the shower a few minutes earlier.

Aiden's hair was important to him. Most of his memories revolving around his grandmother involved her carefully braiding each strand. She was a very spiritual woman who would recite long-forgotten stories, the story of the Misingwa being his favorite. It was always a very intimate and loving experience to let loved ones braid his hair. He had only ever let his older brothers, his grandmother, or Sebastian do it. And in times of loss as a child, he'd cry when his grandmother cut it short.

Sebastian's lips moved to his, capturing him in a slow and burning kiss. Aiden smiled into it, cupping Sebastian's long face in his hands in an attempt to pull him closer. Aiden knew he wanted to take things slow... And Sebastian knew it too. Sebastian was Aiden's first kiss, his first boyfriend, and his first love. So when Sebastian's hands slipped down to his pants he felt his body go numb and he quickly pulled away.

"I don't want to do that... Not yet" Aiden mumbled.

"I thought you loved me" Aiden's heart broke as he watched Sebastian's face morph into one of sadness. Maybe even one of betrayal. Aiden had always been overly empathetic. And that was why it was so hard for him to be around others when they were anything short of happy.

"I-I do... I swear I do" Aiden rambled. "I'm just... I don't know... I'm sorry"

"Yeah, sure you are. You know, I do so much for you. The least you could do is to quit being so selfish" And just like that, Sebastian left. He didn't talk to Aiden for three weeks after that.

Aiden sat at the foot of his bed listening to Jayce read out a passage from their Economics textbook. He broke off a piece of his Kit Kat and took a bite, savoring the sweet chocolate and trying to ignore the feelings that arose with it. He was addicted to Kit Kats but they would remind him of long nights with Sebastian. They would remind him of the little gifts he would give Aiden or how he would jokingly slip the candy-bars to him as if they were in a drug deal. But they also reminded him of the bad times. The times where Aiden just didn't feel good enough. He still had a hard time seeing the Sebastian that loved and cherished him as the same as the Sebastian that destroyed him.

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