Bonus 4: Ti Amo

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Markos had a lot to say about his life. He was content... Sometimes he even dared to think he was happy. He was happy when he got to volunteer. When he got to raise money for different organizations and visit lgbtq+ youth around the world. He was content doing interviews and modeling again. He was content writing, even if his editor and publisher drove him mad. But he was always lonely... The one thing he'd always struggled with and never seemed to go away.

He wasn't as lonely in Westwood, but that was the past. Now he had to focus on the future and his future included living in Italy between travels. His parents owned a nice Summer home that his mother had surprisingly agreed to let him stay in. She had even written out in her will that it would go to Markos when she passed. Their relationship was still strained... But at least she tried to get Markos's name and pronouns correct. And that was more than he ever expected.

The house was beautiful though. It was old and in the country, a couple of miles from a nearby town. The fields around him were filled with orchards and the gardens were neatly kept. He had a roommate, Auna. They had reunited a few years back while Markos was visiting Greece and had become good friends again. Then he started volunteering with her and things just kind of took off from there. Although Auna could easily afford her own place, Markos enjoyed the company. He hated how empty the house felt even with her and the animals he had accidentally adopted. He couldn't imagine being alone.

Over the years, Markos had accidentally taken in a few animals. It started with a tall Italian Greyhound that had little to no meat on its bones. Markos had named him Angelo and had only planned on keeping him until he found a better home. It had been three years. Then Markos purposely adopted a snake because his friend was selling them. After that, people assumed he liked snakes and kept giving them to him when they had nowhere else to send them. And being Markos, he couldn't say no... Now he had four snakes. And that went without mentioning the stray cats that thought they lived there even though Markos had kicked them out a million times.

He had a good routine when he was home... He woke up early, biked to the nearby town, bought fresh bread or fruit or whatever caught his attention, and made him and Auna breakfast. His favorite thing was to take a roll and add goat cheese and apple slices... Auna had introduced it to him and now he was addicted to it. Then he'd spend some time writing, he had taken up painting too and on some days he'd even spend time in the library of the house.

He'd always forget about lunch so Auna would usually stop by and bring him whatever she was having which he appreciated. And at the end of the day when it finally started to cool down, he'd take Angelo out on a run or to play in the fields. He'd play a game with Auna where he grabbed a random cookbook off of the shelf and have her pick a number. Whatever page she chose, he'd at least attempt to make. Then they'd eat in silence, maybe play a card game, and then Auna would head off to bed and Markos would return to obsessing over his writing.

It all worked out for him. He had a good companion, he had a wonderful dog and fascinating snakes. He had a job he loved and got to be the center of attention everywhere he went. He was content. He was sometimes even happy... But mostly just content. Except for today. Because today, he was elated and practically dancing.

"You have an admirer" Markos hummed as he emptied the contents of his bag onto the kitchen counter. Auna glanced up from her laptop, her thin eyebrows creasing together in confusion. "Ricardo asked for your number"

"Ew" Auna's nose wrinkled slightly in distaste and Markos couldn't help laughing a little.

"Don't worry, I did what I always do and gave him Aiden's" Markos hummed. He still didn't like Aiden, well he pretended not to. He didn't mind him if he was being completely honest but he enjoyed harassing him every chance he got. Actually, he enjoyed harassing any of the boys any chance he got considering how rare it was. He had sent Beau a pin that said Not a Virgin in the mail after he got back from his honeymoon. Markos had found it hilarious but Beau had video called him to yell at him... Of course, Markos couldn't take him seriously with how flustered he was.

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