Chapter 3

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Beau finally finished pinning up a few of his photos along the wall beside his bed. He had never been big on having a neatly decorated room... If he was being honest, Lukas was the one that helped plan out his room back home. Lukas had been the one to put up Beau's jersey on the wall, he had picked his favorite photos and had insisted on Beau putting up a self-portrait he'd made in art.

But now all Beau could think to put up were a few simple photos taken before Beau had even kissed Lukas. There was one of the two boys standing in front of Beau's family's barn before prom, one of Beau, Lukas, and all of their friends, and a few family photos. But he didn't dare put up the photo from the arcade... That photo was sacred and putting it on display would make the whole thing lose meaning. It would be showing Lukas to the world and even giving apart of Lukas away. So instead he tucked it under his pillow.

Beau glanced over at Markos who had finally excepted the fact that his parents weren't coming to his rescue any time soon. His tapestry was a dark blue with gold and silver designs sewn carefully along it. He had two small yet simple paintings as well, one of a feather and the other of a dragonfly of all things. His bed was carefully made with a fluffy gray comforter and two decorative pillows but that was where his neatness ended.

His desk was cluttered with paper, jewelry, and even a couple of makeup products including eyeliner and stuff for his eyebrows. That was one thing that always intrigued Beau... Back home every guy he knew was too far up their own ass to do anything remotely feminine. Beau even has a friend who refused to touch pink foods... But the guy's Beau had met all seemed perfectly okay with showing a few feminine traits.

Austin wore very feminine clothing and was one of the first openly gay men Beau had ever met. Markos wore a little bit of makeup on some days. Aiden and Markos both had their ears pierced and had no shame in wearing purple or pink clothing. Beau had never felt more free to express himself.

"Have you seen my textbook for physics?" Markos asked as he dug around his desk. "Apparently notes are a requirement now and I haven't taken any so I need to catch up"

"No, sorry... I'd offer you mine but I'm going over to study with Aiden" Beau shrugged as he picked up the cheap black and violet textbook. "Maybe check the drawers?"

"Aiden...?" Markos stared at Beau confused before snapping his fingers. "Ohio boy" He announced before digging through his drawers.

"How did you forget his name? You see him almost every day" Beau chuckled as he watched the curly-headed boy dig through all of his belongings. Markos wore a violet, green and blue button-up with the first three buttons undone and tight black jeans. His fingers were decorated with silver rings and two small silver hoops hung from his ears.

"I don't talk to people when I'm sober" Markos sighed. "Somehow my memory is better after smoking weed than it is when it's refrained from any substances... Thank you, Beau" a wide smile broke out on his face as he pulled out a text-book identical to Beau's.

"No problem... If you need anything else I'll be across the hall" Beau sighed as he headed toward the door. He had decided to wear the hoodie Markos gave him and had fallen in love with it. The material was softer and finer than anything else Beau had ever worn. The only problem was Beau's fear of eating anything in it...

He brought a hesitant hand to Aiden's door before a wave of panic washed over him. How many times was he supposed to knock? Two felt like too little but three felt overbearing... Was there a way to knock two and a half times? Probably not... After what felt like hours of staring at a door Beau finally decided on three quick knocks that way they didn't seem so demanding.

A white-haired boy answered the door. Tight black high wasted shorts hugged his body and a baggy white cropped sweater showed off his toned abdomen. He wore the familiar black fishnets Beau had grown used to him seeing and his cold blue eyes gave Beau a once over.  Austin had always made Beau uneasy. He had a feeling the boy was smarter than he let on and that he wasn't somebody he could truly trust... But Beau decided that he was just being paranoid so he only smiled.

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