Chapter 16

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"I'm sorry"

"No, you're not. You never are" Xander snapped as he paced around the cramped living room with his hands buried in his long, tangled hair. Xander and Aiden looked a lot alike. They had the same high cheekbones, the same gentle deer-like brown eyes, and the same heart-shaped lips. Xander was a few shades darker than Aiden and was physically a lot more mature since he lacked Aiden's boyish features. "You weren't sorry when you started. You weren't sorry when I found you on that god-forsaken bathroom floor. You weren't sorry the first time you went to the hospital. Or the second or the third. So you sure as hell aren't sorry now"

"I said I'm sorry and I meant it" Aiden scoffed. He tried to ignore his pounding head, nausea threatening his stomach and his exhaustion. He was sorry... Or at least he liked to think he was. "It was just a few pills. I'm sorry. I panicked and got overwhelmed so I made a stupid mistake. Get over it"

"Jesus fucking Christ" Xander groaned as he collapsed onto his chair. At least he was done pacing... That was a start.


"No" He interrupted without even bothering to look at his little brother. "I'm not doing this right now. I'm done dealing with your bullshit. I'm done being your gad damn parent. You're almost eighteen and you're still acting like a child"

Aiden pressed his lips in a thin line and leaned back preparing for the usual speech. About how he was being immature or reckless. About how he was throwing his life away and would end up dead if he kept up his lifestyle... But it didn't come... What came instead surprised Aiden more than anything.

"I have done everything for this family" Xander's voice broke as he spoke sending a pang through Aiden's chest. "I was the one that took care of mom after Dad left. I was the one who raised you and Micah. I was the one that had to send my little brother away to prison so he would stop feeding your addiction. I was the one that watched you try to kill yourself three fucking times, Aiden. What am I doing wrong? Why do you hate me so much?"

Aiden fell silent and brought his knees to his chest instinctively. He wanted to reach out and hug Xander like Xander always did for him. He wanted to be there for him... But he couldn't. Xander never cried. He got angry sometimes, but he never broke after years of absolute shit.

"I don't hate you" Aiden promised. "You haven't done anything wrong... You're just as much a kid as I am. You don't know what the hell you're doing either"

The two brothers sat in silence. Both had a million things they wanted to say but neither could form the words. So instead they sat and enjoyed one another's company, both unsure of how long it would last. Aiden anxiously glanced over at Xander feeling guilty... Xander had picked him up from Edward's this morning and it didn't take him long to figure out Aiden had taken something... He had been disappointed, to say the least.

"What did you take?"

"Fentanyl" Aiden reluctantly spat out the word knowing very well it would only make Xander more disappointed in him. "I know this is no time to be asking favors... But my friend Beau invited me to spend Christmas break with him in Tennessee... Could you drive me?"

"That's a seven-hour drive" Xander deadpanned.

"Sebastian's in town... I don't want to be here. I don't want to see him" Aiden whispered. Xander didn't know about what happened... He just knew things didn't end well and that Sebastian had done his damage. Xander let out a long sigh and reluctantly agreed before Aiden happily pulled out his phone and called Beau's number. He froze as the ringing began and felt a wave of guilt wash over him... He had made Beau a promise and he broke it... He fucking broke it.

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