Bonus 6: Private Wedding Vows

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"Theoretically, if I told you the makeup artist was late how mad would you be?" Aiden hesitantly asked as he carefully treaded into the room Austin and his groomsmen were getting ready in. Austin moved his attention away from Markos who was going over the schedule for the day for the fifth time with Austin. He forced a sweet smile and looked Aiden up and down trying to decide whether or not he was frustrated at the makeup artist for being late or Aiden for being the messenger.

"Depends. How late is late?" Austin asked.

"Only like... Ten minutes?" Aiden guessed. Austin thought about it for a moment, trying to avoid his mind spiraling into a panic. It'd be fine. All he had to do was have the hairstylist do his hair first instead of having his makeup done first. That is, as long as Aiden gave him the correct time.

Things with Jullian were good... Well, as good as things could be with somebody like Austin engaged to somebody like Jullian. They argued often enough but they always came back to one another in the end and neither of them could imagine a life without the other. Even when they did fight, it never got past the point of no return. The worst it ever got was when Jullian had left the house and stayed at his friend's dorm for a couple of days until Austin cooled down. Even after most of their fights, they still managed to share a bed.

For the first time, Austin could genuinely say he loved his life. He loved dancing and teaching it to others. He loved when some of the women he taught would send him home with pies to share with Jullian and he loved listening to all of the drama that came with middle-aged suburban women. He loved coming home to find Jullian studying or making dinner. He loved spending his mornings wrapped in Jullian's arms... He just loved Jullian.

He still remembered the day Jullian proposed like it was yesterday. Jullian and Austin had referred to each other as their fiance for a long time before that because they always knew they were going to end up together. But on that particular day, Jullian and Austin were still a little grumpy with one another after getting into a fight a few days before. Well, more Austin was still being too stubborn to completely forgive.

But Jullian had been persistent and taken him to one of his soccer games. He remembered watching Jullian score the winning goal and cheering as loudly as he could for him. He remembered the feeling of Jullian's jersey clinging to his hoodie as the rain poured down on the stands and being pulled out into the field after the game. He had wanted to yell at Jullian the moment he got down onto his knee for a few seconds before he realized Jullian was in fact serious. Obviously, he had said yes about a million times and gave Jullian one of the sweetest and most genuine kisses he had given him in days... If Austin was ranking his and Jullian's kisses, that one was definitely in the top three.

The months of planning had flown by and before Austin knew it, he was standing in a small room getting his hair and makeup done. He didn't want anything crazy, just enough makeup to give him clear skin and good eyebrows. Jullian had wanted to follow a few Jewish traditions in their wedding and Austin wasn't complaining as long as he could still have it as extravagant as he wanted. The only thing he could complain about was that one of those traditions involved fasting for the first half of the day until the reception and he had been craving coffee all day.

"You look hot" Markos decided as he took a seat across from Austin to observe his completed hair and makeup. "Wanna just ditch Jullian and go get a smoothie or something? Go pick up some hot guys?" Austin snorted at that and reached for one of the hand mirrors to inspect the woman's work.

"You know Jayce is here, right?" Austin asked.

"Yeah, but so is his girlfriend" Markos muttered. "If I knew he'd invite her I would have brought a date. The whole reason I didn't bring one was that I was hoping I could knock some sense into that idiot and hook up with him"

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