Bonus: The Wedding

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"I look better in a suit than you" Sage announced as she did a quick spin in front of the mirror. "Like, I know not outshining the grooms is a rule or whatever. But I just can't help the fact that I look better"

"Shut up. I only agreed to make you one of my groomsmen because-"

"Because you love me, sucker" Sage chuckled. Aiden rolled his eyes but couldn't help smiling to himself. He and Beau had been dating for three years before Beau proposed to him... On the same day, Aiden was planning on proposing to him. They had both confided in Jullian who had found the situation hilarious and helped pick the rings to be sure they matched without the other boy's knowledge.

They had a long engagement... Beau didn't even want to start planning the wedding until he was out of school so that was another two years. And then when they finally did start planning, the two boys couldn't make a single decision and ended up taking an entire year to get everything organized. Beau would be turning twenty-five in a few months and Aiden had only turned twenty-four a couple of months back.

The most challenging part had been picking their groomsmen and best man. Aiden had eventually decided on Edward for his best man and Sage, Jayce, Austin, and Xander as his groomsmen. Beau was even more indecisive if at all possible. But eventually, he had decided as Markos for his best man. Then Jullian, Jacob, his sister Lucy, and Lukas's cousin Charlie as his groomsmen.

Charlie and Beau had grown particularly close when Beau had visited his mother for a week. They exchanged numbers and would talk about Lukas together until the conversation morphed into a real friendship. Austin and Jullian had rushed into marriage a couple of years back... What surprised Aiden most was when Austin asked his little brother to be one of his groomsmen.

Jullian's career in soccer had skyrocketed after he left college and was recruited for a much bigger team. Not to mention, the money he brought in allowed Austin to keep pursuing dance. They still lived in Chicago but in a nice suburban neighborhood just outside of the city. Last year, they had adopted a three-year-old girl named Katie, and as far as Aiden knew, had another girl on the way with a surrogate. Aiden had thought they were a bit young, but Austin's reasoning was that he wanted to be able to keep up with his kids while he was still young enough to do so and before dance and soccer got the better of him and Jullian.

As for Markos, he had been thrown back into the spotlight like he wanted. He had published two books and had gotten back into modeling. He had put together a charity to help get trans youth the medication they needed with his friend Auna and overall seemed happy enough. Aiden rarely heard from him, but he was constantly bouncing from place to place and occasionally visited when he could.

After Mikayla hit eighteen, Jayce was finally given the opportunity to pursue college. He had moved to Canada last year and wanted to become an archeologist. It didn't surprise any of the boys that he wanted to stick in the historical field... Aiden didn't know much about Jayce's and Markos's relationship. The only thing that was confirmed was that they were still talking.

"Never thought I'd see the day my little brother was getting married" Xander grinned as he lightly squeezed Aiden's shoulders.

"Shut up... You're making it seem real" Aiden groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up for the fifth time.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Beau was a runaway groom... I'd run too" Edward deadpanned as Sage helped straighten out his suit. Aiden groaned and collapsed into his chair feeling more anxious with each passing moment.

"That's what I'm afraid of" Aiden muttered. "That and a million other things" The door opened and a short blonde boy walked in with a curly-haired girl in his arms and a frown on his face.

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