Chapter 18

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"Rhea!" Markos's head snapped in the direction of a pretty blonde girl. It took a lot to pull Markos away from his writing now, but back then it was just another hobby. Another thing to keep him from his own cruel reality. He gave the girl a small smile before closing his journal. "Do you remember the Parkinsons kid? The one we sat with in math last year?"

"Yeah?" Markos couldn't help being more dumbfounded. They never talked to anyone outside of their social class outside of school work. So Lilly having any interest in the Parkinsons of all people was just weird.

"Well, her name is now Auna... A little weird right?" Lilly snorted. "I mean, I knew she was odd when we sat with her... But like it's so unexpected. Right?"

"I mean... I guess? I don't know... I'm a bit more proud she came out" Markos shrugged. He was used to the subtle transphobia, homophobia, and racism that always laced his friend's words. He always subtlely argued back but never made a scene. That was bad for his family's reputation. That would just get him into trouble.

"It's weird. Like, I'm cool with you screwing other girls or whatever but like... This is different" Markos rolled his eyes as a wave of defiance washed over him. He stood up and collected his belongings. "Where are you going?"

"To make a new friend"


"On a scale of one to eleven, how mad do you think my mum would be if I just didn't call her?" Markos blindly asked. He was happily laying his head on Jayce's lap as the pretty curly-haired boy flipped through another play Markos had recommended.

"Based on what you told me I think she'd try and find a way to sue you" Jayce chuckled. Markos bit back a smile and silently admired Jayce through the small gap between Jayce and his book.

"So like a two?" Markos snorted receiving a light laugh from Jayce. The two hadn't talked about what they were or even talked about what happened last night. Markos had left shortly after their hug to go finish his homework and to avoid that talk as a whole. And now, he was just enjoying Jayce's company and being the clingy bitch he was after a long day of school. "You should set down the play and give me attention" Markos hummed as he lightly tapped the bottom of the page Jayce was reading.

Jayce glanced down at the boy ready to argue before he realized just how pretty Markos was. His brown curls fell over his forehead and a wide grin on his lips. Markos was wearing his rose-gold glasses instead of his contacts today giving off a sort of dork effect. And of course, he still refused to wear his uniform. He reluctantly gave in and set down the play before running his fingers through Markos's hair. He laughed as Markos's grin turned into a smug smirk as if he had accomplished something.

"I'm only doing this because you're pretty" Jayce deadpanned despite Markos's cocky smirk.

"You really should have taken into consideration the fact that I'm an attention whore before you kissed me" Markos's heart skipped a beat as he felt Jayce's thumb run over his bottom lip, lightly teasing him.

"How could I forget?" Jayce scoffed. "At this point, I think I'll just have to accept the fact that you're an attention whore with a superiority complex"

"I don't have a-" Markos paused as he reconsidered his words before groaning. "Fuck off" Jayce laughed and bent down to place a chaste kiss on the boy's lips. "But for real, my mum might kill me if I don't call... But I really don't want don't feel like getting deadnamed today"

"Then don't answer" Jayce shrugged.

"But I have a trust fund she can take away out of boredom. I don't want to give her an actual reason to take it" Markos protested. Jayce let out a long sigh and picked up the play once again.

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