Chapter 9

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Austin never worried about things or people. He only needed himself and something to work toward. Last night he had gotten what he wanted for the most part. It had just been a handjob but he wanted more. It wasn't because he liked Jullian, he just wasn't used to not getting every piece of what he was after. So he wasn't going to stop until he screwed Jullian and that was a promise.

The white-haired boy watched in pure boredom as his roommate stumbled out of the bathroom again. His eyebrows drew together as Aiden made his way to his desk where a bottle of water was waiting and took long, desperate gulps of it. Aiden had been acting... Odd? Well, he was always odd to Austin.

Aiden was an emotional person, even if he didn't look it. He was thoughtful and loving, never one to put anyone after himself. Austin could never understand that. But he had been especially odd... He wasn't his usual self. He wasn't constantly trying to make others laugh, he wasn't glued to Beau's hip and he took more trips to the bathroom than Austin thought necessary.

Austin didn't dare ask what was going on. That would suggest an attachment that he just didn't want anything to do with. And he certainly didn't want to end up becoming some sort of problem solver or therapist for anyone. He was simply curious about why Aiden had the sudden change in moods. He didn't actually care about how the boy was acting.

"You look like shit" Austin commented as he cocked his head slightly to the right. The boy's upper half was dangling off the bed, putting the world in an upside-down view. He honestly liked it better that way. The world was different but still the same. Just slightly off making it feel new and unsolved.

The tall Indigenous boy shot him a cold glare. His hair was growing longer, just past his ears. He still had almond shape deer-like eyes and dark honey skin. He looked as out of place as Austin felt in the school uniform. If he was being honest, the only person he knew that genuinely pulled it off was Jullian. Although, if he thought about it he could picture Markos looking incredible in it if only the stubborn boy would touch it.

"Thanks" Aiden's voice was strained as he adjusted the tie and gathered his books. Aiden decided now was the best time to leave before his curiosity got the best of him and he started asking questions. All he knew was that Aiden got a ride to a hotel on Saturday and returned that night cold and distant. He barely spoke six words to Austin and it had already been two days. He was used to the boy talking his ear off...

Austin headed down to his first period feeling somewhat excited to see Jullian. He liked taunting him throughout math, he liked the way he'd clench his jaw in annoyance, he liked teasing him. And after what happened between them Jullian was bound to respond or say something... Right?

He bit down on his lip as his eyes scanned the class for the familiar hazel-eyed boy. A small smile reached his lips as he happily walked past endless rows of seats before taking his seat next to the pretty, yet bland boy reading a book.

"Hey, Jules" Austin hummed. Jullian's eyes darkened and narrowed slightly down at the pages but he refused to look up at him. Austin's jaw clenched in annoyance and he suddenly discovered a newfound hatred for whatever book he was reading. "Are we seriously back to where we started? You ignoring me" Austin huffed.

"Nothing happened on Friday" Jullian's voice was stable and lacked any emotion. Not even a clench of his jaw or the pressure of his hand against the table gave away how he was feeling. He was back to being plain, perfect Jullian.

"Like hell it didn't" Austin snapped, ignoring the annoyed looks the students around him gave them. His white hair fell messily to the side since it had grown longer over his stay. His eyes were narrowed in defiance as he glared up at the stone-faced boy.

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