Chapter 29

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There wasn't a lot to say when it came to Jayce's upbringing. It was far from normal... But he had always managed to be normal. He was always the new kid whether it was at school or a new house. But he had quickly built up a routine for that. He'd befriend a group of people who were neither popular nor unique. Just average. He'd go to the games of whatever sport was most popular at the school, always found someone to play basketball with, got good grades, and took care of his sister. He was average. But that didn't mean there wasn't trauma. There was plenty.

He moved from house to house to never have a home. From people to people to never have a family. From school to school to rarely have real friendships and relationships. But this time was a little different... This time he wasn't going to be looked at as another risk. He wasn't going to be forced into seeking shelter and familiarity with the five other black kids in a predominately white area. He wasn't going to be another suburban family's charity or another poor older person's way to get money from the state.

This time he was going to stay with an average family. A family that understood his hair and culture. A community that didn't stare... That wasn't full of biases on him. For the first time, he'd be going to school in a predominately Black and Hispanic community. That thought was relieving in a way. He wouldn't have to worry about slurs being thrown his way or judgemental glares or people trying a little too hard to show their support. He could just relax for a change.

He stood up at the front of a crowded classroom, exchanged awkward words with a teacher before being sent to his seat next to a girl with vibrant blue box braids and pretty brown eyes. She wore light blue overalls, stained with paint, and a white and black striped long-sleeve shirt underneath. She was drawing a rose on the back of her hand in sharpie.

"Hey, I'm Jayce" Jayce quickly introduced himself in hopes of making his first friend. He had a good feeling about this place and hoped he'd be staying a while... The family was fostering to adopt and Jayce was praying they'd at least adopt his sister, even if he couldn't be in the picture he wanted her somewhere safe. The girl ignored him and he sighed before turning to his paper.

A girl with her hair buzzed short that was sitting directly behind her leaned over and tapped on the girl's shoulder, instantly catching her attention.

"He's talking to you" She hummed. The blue-haired girl's eyes widened and she quickly turned to see Jayce.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you" Something caught his attention. She spoke carefully and her hands and fingers moved in a language he didn't understand... But he suddenly wanted to.

"It's fine... I'm Jayce" He smiled and she quickly grinned back.


Jayce went to the library and got a book on ASL that same day.


"I don't feel comfortable having a fag shower anywhere near me" Austin rolled his eyes and quickly collected his belongings from his locker.

"I don't feel comfortable having a homophobe exist McCarthy, but here we are" Austin muttered and let out a frustrated sigh.

"If your little boyfriend wasn't such a bitch, I'd kick your ass" McCarthy pressed. Austin never did bother to learn his first name. He rolled his eyes trying to ignore the memories that arose with those few words. The first time he had almost kissed Jullian after he had put two and two together. When Jullian was still his tutor... Before any of this had happened. "Speak of the devil"

Austin kept his gaze low and shoved his locker shut, finally turning to face the obnoxious brown-eyed boy. His lips were pressed in a thin line as he tried to avoid looking at Jullian. It was hard enough to exist around him in the group... But to be alone (McCarthy didn't count if you asked him) with him was completely different.

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