Chapter 8

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Austin pressed the top of his pen to his bottom lip as he stared down at the equations in front of him in pure confusion. He tried to ignore Jullian's frustrated sighs as he explained the same equation for the millionth time. He glanced up at the brown-haired boy who was oblivious to him obviously checking him out. Or so he thought.

"Focus" Jullian scoffed. Austin rolled his eyes and covered his math sheet with a pastel yellow folder, sending Jullian a smug look.

"Can't we talk about something else for a change?" Austin begged. Jullian didn't even bother meeting Austin's stare which only aggravated the blue-eyed boy further. "Fine then. I didn't think I'd have to use this just to get your attention for longer than three fucking seconds, but you win, asshole"

"I do?" A light chuckle escaped Jullian's lips as he finally glanced up from Austin's desk and met the boy's gaze. Austin smirked and leaned forward to where there was barely an inch of space between their lips. Austin knew what he was doing. He knew how to drive men crazy, how to flirt, and how to be bold. Most importantly, he knew how to get what he wanted. And he had finally made up his mind; He wanted Jullian.

"I know what you did to McCarthy..." Austin taunted. He had only told a handful of people what happened. He couldn't exactly disguise the bruise on his cheekbone so he had gotten plenty of questions. But Jullian was the only one who had matched the description to a name which meant he was the only person who knew who to go after. Jullian only smiled, he didn't bother backing down but couldn't resist a glance at Austin's plump pink lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Jullian hummed. Austin rolled his eyes and went to close the distance between them when Jullian pulled away completely. Austin's lips pressed in a thin line as Jullian didn't even bother trying to hide his smirk.



"Hey, what do you call a punk rocker without a girlfriend?" Markos called as he walked into his dorm room to find Aiden and Beau laying in Beau's bed, yet again. Beau bit back a smile as Aiden groaned. Aiden spent as much time as he could with Beau, and Beau was grateful. He liked having someone he could be around often. He also liked that Aiden helped him sleep... He barely slept since the fire due to an endless string of nightmares. So after class, Aiden would just lay with him and let him sleep in his arms for a couple of hours.

"For the last time, I'm not punk. I'm not emo. I'm not goth. I'm not an E-boy. Just let me live" Aiden groaned. Apparently, Markos had more jokes about alt kids than Beau even knew existed because he had loved spending every minute of Aiden's visits tormenting him with them.

"Come on... What do you call a punk rocker without a girlfriend?" Markos pressed.

"What?" Aiden snapped, finally giving in.


"See, now that one is just absolute shit" Aiden scoffed. "At least the emo ones were relatable" Beau rolled his eyes at that. He hated when Aiden would joke about cutting himself or doing drugs or wanting to die. Aiden had been working on it, but he still slipped up on the occasion.

"Suit yourself. How do you cut an emo sandwich?" Markos asked as he collapsed into his bed. "You don't, it cuts itself" Aiden gave a light snort at just how bad that joke was before glancing down at the pretty boy in his arms.

"I've gotta do some homework... If you want I can come back in later-" Aiden began. Beau felt a pang of guilt at that. He knew Aiden was sacrificing his free time just so that Beau would get a couple of hours of sleep. That also meant Aiden had less time to do homework.

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