Bonus 2 & 3

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Bonus 2: Summer Love

"Please don't drop me" Beau quietly begged as Aiden helped him onto his shoulders. Aiden tolled his eyes and gave Beau a bright and reassuring smile.

"I won't. I'm stronger than I look"

"Yeah and I'm heavier than I look" Beau deadpanned.

"Are you two almost ready?" Cody snorted. Cody and Charles, another couple Beau and Aiden had met at the resort. They were friendly and talkative enough and Beau and Aiden had quickly gotten along with them. Both couples had decided to take their honeymoon in Hawaii and enjoyed spending time together.

"Bring it on" Aiden grinned.

"I'm sorry in advance" Charles gave Beau a sheepish smile. "Cody is just competitive"

"Me too" Beau gave Charles a warm smile while Cody rolled his eyes.

"Come on, pup. Don't apologize for a game" Cody snorted. "The first one to fall buys drinks" Beau grinned and intertwined his fingers with Charles knowing very well he could shove the smaller boy off with enough effort... The four boys laughed as Beau almost slipped, struggling to hold his own against Charles who was much stronger than expected. Charles was small... Maybe 5'4 or 5'5... And he was relatively skinny but Beau should have expected this. He knew Charles played football throughout college.

"Come on, Beau" Aiden cheered. Beau's smile brightened and a few short moments later, Charles hit the water and Beau pumped his fists up in excitement.

"Good game" Cody grinned before turned to check on his husband. Beau slid off of Aiden's shoulders and was quickly pulled into a quick and passionate kiss. "Want to go get drinks?" Cody offered. Beau opened his mouth to reply when Charles wrapped his arms around Cody from behind.

"Cody... Come on, it's getting late" Charles quietly begged. Cody gave him an odd look before his eyebrows shot up and he smiled.

"Alright, tomorrow at lunch then?" Cody offered.

"Sounds great" Aiden agreed. The two couples parted ways after that. Beau grinned as Aiden lazily draped a towel over Beau's shoulders and placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. "Wanna head back to our room or go out and do something?" Aiden asked. Beau hesitated before a thought came to mind and a small blush reached his cheeks.

"Um... The room works" Beau mumbled. Aiden nodded, oblivious to how flustered Beau suddenly was due to how dark it was. Beau intertwined his fingers with Aiden's and rested his head on the boy's shoulder as they walked back down the sidewalk and toward their room. The lack of lights made the stars seem brighter and the moon was full... They illuminated the night and made everything seem more romantic. Aiden and Beau had spent hours last night just staring up at the night sky and talking.

Talking about everything from their past to their present to their future. How they wanted to spend the next few years with just each other and their dog. Just love one another and enjoying each other's presence. Then somewhere between twenty-eight and thirty start a real family... Bring another soul into their lives whether it was through adoption or a surrogate. Raise them to have an open mind and although Shelby wanted Christian grandchildren, they wanted to raise them with the option to go to church with Beau rather than insisting they do. Everything was perfect.

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