Chapter 20

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"You can do better than that" Tristan scoffed as Jullian narrowly made it into the net. He groaned and resisted the urge to just collapse. If he wanted to be as good as Tristan he would have to practice as hard as Tristan. And that meant until he had thrown up at least twice and could no longer continue. It wasn't healthy... It was his obsession. But it kept him away from fighting, alcohol, and drugs which was why Tristan never stepped in.

"I've been out here for hours. Give me a break" Jullian groaned as his legs finally gave out and he landed on the grass. He winced as he attempted to stretch out his aching body. Every day of his Summer was spent obsessing over soccer in one way or another.

"I'll give you a break when you give yourself a break" Tristan rolled his eyes before taking a seat beside Jullian. "I can't wait to watch your games this year... You've gotta hold up my legacy" He chuckled as he ruffled Jullian's hair. If anyone else had done it, he'd probably kill them. But Tristan was an exception. Tristan was always the exception.

"With my luck, I'll get thrown off the field for unsportsmanlike conduct" Jullian scoffed.

"Then stop picking fights with everyone and you'll be fine" Tristan rolled his eyes before handing Jullian a small bag of sour skittles. "Come on, you've earned it" Jullian hesitated before looking over the calories only for Tristan to slap his hand. "Quit that"

"I have to be perfect and that includes staying healthy" Jullian scoffed as he reluctantly ripped open the bag and popped one of the skittles into his mouth.

"There's a difference between being healthy and starving yourself, dumbass" Tristan groaned. "I saw you throw away like half of your food last night... You need to quit being so hard on yourself"

"If I stop holding myself accountable for this then I'll stop holding myself accountable for other things and that's just a mess" Jullian reminded him. Jullian needed routine. He needed schedules and plans to be sure that he didn't falter. That he didn't fall into his temptations or his anger... That he remained as pure and untainted as possible.

"Fine. Then the least you can do is hold yourself accountable for eating more" Tristan deadpanned. Jullian shrugged and thought back to how quickly he was becoming exhausted when he played... But if he let the reins loose for even the smallest thing somebody was bound to get hurt. They always did...


"I like you" Markos grinned as he wrapped his arms over Jayce's shoulders from behind. Jayce was at his desk trying to focus on his homework, but Markos had other ideas. The pretty and lean boy's lips placed gentle kisses down Jayce's neck. If there was one thing Jayce had learned since he started seeing Markos, it was that Markos was clingy as hell... And he loved it.

"I know" Jayce groaned as he threw his head back to look up at the boy. "You've told me like a million times"

"Fine. Then I like you less now" Markos shrugged. Jayce rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress his smile if he tried. "I wanted to be with you, but I guess you don't want to hang out with me so I'll be on my way"

"No, please. Grace me with your presence" Sarcasm dripped from Jayce's voice making Markos roll his eyes. "I'm never going to stop teasing you for that"

"You're lucky to even be in my line of sight, arsehole" Markos scoffed making Jayce laugh. It was weird to think that only a few weeks ago Markos hated every bone in Jayce's body yet now all he wanted was to kiss him a million times.

"If you aren't going to let me study what do you want to do?" Jayce sighed knowing very well he wasn't going to get a clear answer. Markos couldn't make up his mind to save his life... That, or he was very stubborn when he finally did make a decision. Jayce thought it was a miracle the boy managed to choose an outfit every morning.

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