Chapter 17

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Austin sat on top of the trailer allowing the cool night air to relax him for s few moments. In a few more months he'd be gone, he'd be free. He'd be traveling to Paris to pursue dance for the rest of his life and he finally almost the money to buy a ticket and an apartment. He was going to be his own person for a change... He was going to learn to love others and to build the attachments to others he so desperately wanted but never got.

In ten years he wanted to be exactly where the adults he made fun of were. He wanted to live in a suburban neighborhood with obnoxious housewives he could gossip with and homophobic husbands he could antagonize just by existing. He wanted to have a husband that loved him and adopt two little girls. He was going to get married to a beautiful man that supported him unconditionally. He was going to be happy. Except instead of working a boring office job, he was going to dance one way or another. And that dream was becoming a reality.

He regretted what happened next that night. For the first time ever, Alex had caught him in a happy and sympathetic mood. The small boy had climbed up on top of the trailer and hesitantly sat beside him. His big eyes stared up at his older brother with pure adoration.

"My dad is talkin' about you again" Alex awkwardly mumbled. Austin shrugged and lightly gripped the cool metal below him.

"Let him. His opinion doesn't matter" Austin didn't yell. He didn't snap or push Alex away... For the first time, the boy's presence didn't bother him. For the first time, he wanted to build a relationship with someone... Even if it was just Alex. "You just have to do what you love and what other people think doesn't matter"

"Is that why you dance?" Alex asked. Austin nodded and a bright smile reached the boy's lips. It was the first genuine smile Alex had ever seen from his older brother. Austin looked happy under the starlight... He was smiling and his hair - which at the time was dyed a bright red - fell over his eyes and he wore a baggy old t-shirt that engulfed his entire body. Austin looked youthful and energetic... Everything teens were expected to be. Alex couldn't help admiring him.

"Of course" Austin grinned. "Can I tell you a secret?" He regretted those words.

"Please... I like it when you talk to me... I want to be like you" Alex mumbled as he stared down at the gravel. Austin's heart fell at that. He didn't want to be like Austin... Nobody should want to be like him. He knew the things he said and did to others were harmful and wrong. He knew he was a bully. He knew all he ever did was lie, steal and blackmail people. Most of the time he didn't care... But sometimes it hurt to reflect on it.

"I'm going to Paris after I graduate" Austin admitted for the first time out loud. "I got an acceptance letter from a very well-known and expensive dance school... I got a full-ride scholarship and I've been saving for my ticket and apartment there"

"Wow" Alex breathed before a bright smile broke onto his face and his entire body shook in excitement. "You're going to be a star!" He marveled.

"Maybe" Austin chuckled.

"Will you take me with you when I turn eighteen?" Alex asked with hopeful eyes. "I want to go too"

"I'll already be graduated by then" Austin admitted. "But I'll try my best to get you over someday"

"I love you"

"I know"


"No need to panic, I've arrived" Markos announced as he strutted into Jullian and Jayce's room which had somehow become the designated hang-out spot for everyone. Jayce was laying across his bed tossing a basketball up and down, Austin and Jullian were arguing over math, and Aiden and Beau were sitting on the floor quietly talking in their own world. The six boys had become good friends for the most part. Although, Jayce was only there for Jullian and Jullian was there for Austin who got along fine with everyone.

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