Canons I Couldn't Fit in the Book

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Basically, here's a list of things I know happened for each character as the years go on that I either didn't have the space or the energy to write in. And if you're still reading, thank you so much for making it this far along:

Aiden Coldwater

- Aiden cried when Shelby asked him to start calling her Mom

- Aiden eventually got over his fear of bottoming and is happy to say he is once again a proud switch and verse

- Aiden almost relapsed when Beau passed but Austin had his back

- Aiden and Nodin drive down to Ohio once every month or two for festivals and powwows to stay connected to their culture

- Aiden took Beau to Beau's first concert; Zebrahead

- Beau's last words to Aiden were; I'm okay. Please don't worry

- Aiden outlived everyone except Austin

- Aiden died from old age at 83

- Aiden was an amazing grandfather and parent. He and Beau keep a giant box filled with photo albums, each dedicated to a different child and grandchild

- Although Nodin wasn't a perfect kid and was a bit of a bully, Aiden managed to get him to take out that anger in sports and on other bullies. Because of Aiden, Nodin went on to always defend the little guy and became a fireman

- Aiden later found his father and discovered he had a sister who he later loved dearly and she became a part of the family

- Aiden saved up and bought Beau his dream car for their twenty-first anniversary

- Aiden was buried with Beau in Beau's family gravesite as the first queer couple to be buried in Beau's hometown

Austin Blake

- Austin did a DNA test out of curiosity and discovered he's German. But also discovered that he has seventeen half-siblings between his two parents

- Austin and Arbor are very close and Arbor later became a dancer like Austin

- Austin joined the PTA and is a very involved and supportive dad

- Austin outlived all of the other boys. He didn't do so well after Jullian passed but stayed strong for his family

- Austin is very jealous and has been dragged out of clubs and bars by Jullian for picking fights with people who hit on Jullian

- Austin is banned from three different bars in his state for fighting or pissing off bartenders

- Austin died from old age at 89

- Austin eventually started therapy after Jullian suggested it. He mellowed out a lot after he was diagnosed with Anti-social personality disorder and depersonalization disorder

- Austin never learned to cook and his kids grew to love Friday nights because that was when Jullian stayed at work the longest and Austin had to make dinner. They always got takeout and icecream

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