Chapter 11

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"I'm going to shoot myself. Twice for good measure" Markos announced as he collected a few necessary items he had to take home. Beau bit back a laugh as he watched him pace from one end to the room to the next.

"All you've wanted since you got to Westwood was to leave" Beau reminded him. Markos let out a loud huff before collapsing onto the bed.

"Yes because sitting around with my lovely p- aunt and uncle while they criticize my life choices for a week is always fun" Markos scoffed. "See, if I was just moving back home my aunt would go off to film a movie and I could just drink my life away... And I don't even get to go home I have to stay in my dads penthouse in Las Angeles"

"Oh no, how awful" Beau rolled his eyes and grabbed his small bag. He didn't pack much... Just a few things to entertain him on his flight alongside the photo from the arcade. Maybe he'd bring his camera from home so he could take photos at the asylum... That would be something to keep him busy. "I'm going to go find Aiden... If I don't see you before I leave, Happy Thanksgiving"

He bit back another laugh as the door shut behind him. He could almost hear Markos rolling his eyes... Markos had a lot to say about how stupid he found Thanksgiving to be. Beau had tried to explain the history behind it, but Markos was simply uninterested. A smile broke onto Beau's face as Aiden left his dorm room with a small bag strapped over his shoulder and a bright smile.

"You know, my offer still stands" Beau began. "You could always come have Thanksgiving with me" he didn't know much about Aiden's family. But he did know it was dysfunctional and that Aiden didn't get along with anyone.

"As nice as that sounds, I'm not going to make Xander spend any holiday alone..." Aiden shrugged. He smiled down at Beau before pressing a light kiss to the tip of his nose. "Thanks for the offer"

"Just friends, my arse" Markos scoffed as he pushed past Aiden and down the hall. Beau couldn't help a low chuckle slipping his lips.

It was Thanksgiving break. Some students were staying at Westwood if they didn't have a family to return to. Aiden knew Austin and Jayce were some of those students. Markos was going to stay in Las Angeles with his family, Aiden was going back to Ohio, Jullian was going to California, and Beau was going home... To Tennessee where an entire town wanted him dead. The thought alone made him want to throw up...

The two boys followed Markos out to the front lawn where all of the boys were saying their goodbyes, catching taxies, loading onto buses, or even climbing into nearby cars. He watched Markos disappear into a nearby limousine when his eyes landed on something unexpected.

Beau barely knew Jullian outside of the fact that he was friends with Aiden. But he did know that he was a very quiet and uninterested person. So when he saw a pretty blonde girl sprint out of a nearby car and fling herself into his embrace, he was shocked, to say the least. Jullian seemed happy with his arms around her. A smile broke onto his face and Beau swore he heard him laugh... Maybe she was his girlfriend.

"Come on" Aiden tugged Beau toward the buses... Toward home. He could only pray that it wasn't as bad as he was expecting.


Jullian laid his head on Sarah's lap and closed his eyes. For the first time in weeks, he felt relaxed... Safe even. Sarah's older brother had driven the day-long journey to pick him up from Westwood. His own parents had barely smiled at him when he came home later the next day... So he was staying at Sarah's. Away from his passive family, away from Tristan's room that seemed to tease him, and away from all of the heartbreaking memories in that house.

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