Chapter 13

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"Hey, Austey" A short and skinny girl chuckled as she tussled her younger brother's hair. Austin wrinkled his nose in distaste, shoving the girl's hand away. He forgot how much he hated being home... He lived in a cramped, broken-down trailer that didn't even have enough beds to sustain a family of five. That was why Austin practically lived in a tent... It was away from what was supposedly his siblings, had enough room to store all of his belongings and the only downside was that it got cold.

"Fuck off" Austin scoffed as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Bags were under his eyes and his sweatpants hung down to his hips, accidentally showing off the V-line he had worked so hard to get. He honestly hadn't cared much for gaining muscle until he started taking ballet seriously. Now it was an obsession.

"Well you're in a good mood" Sarcasm dripped from Jenny's voice as she grabbed her keys. "I'm heading to work, you're in charge of watching Alex"

"No" Austin snapped the moment the words left her mouth. Austin knew most siblings secretly loved one another underneath all of the hate. But that wasn't the case for him and Alex... Alex openly loved Austin and Austin wished the boy was dead. He wasn't even joking or being dramatic. He had vivid daydreams of shoving the boy out of a moving car. He remembered trying to sell him to their neighbors when the kid was a newborn.

He could tolerate Jenny. He could tolerate his stepmom and her stupid husband. But he couldn't stand Alex... Austin's lips pressed in a thin line as Jenny ignored him and left the cramped, clustered trailer leaving him alone with the stupid brown-haired boy.

"Am I allowed to talk to you today?" Alex asked making Austin groan. He debated just leaving or dropping Alex off at their crack addict of a neighbor. He had done it a million times and every time he found Alex afterward he was in tears. But no matter what Austin did the dumbass still idolized him. He hated it.

"No" Austin scoffed. "Why are you even talking to me? We aren't even related"

"That's not true. Mama says we're brothers" Alex protested. Alex was only ten. Austin was seventeen and had been trying to save up to get out of this hellhole. Not only was there a large age difference, but Austin didn't feel the need to have a connection to him. The only person he lived with he was blood-related to was Jenny...

It was a long story. But his stepmother had originally been married to a man named Mark Blake who she had Jenny with. Mark cheated on her with a stripper whose real name he never even got, but her stage name was Jazmine. Jazmine had given birth to Austin in the back of her car, tracked down Mark who was stupid enough to give her his number and dumped Austin on him. Mark went to jail when Austin was six, his stepmother, Martha, met her husband Jeremy and had Alex. Stupid fucking Alex.

"Your mom is a big fat liar" Austin deadpanned. His lips pressed together as he stared out the small, square window trying to maintain his undying hatred for the boy... Maybe it was jealousy or maybe there was just something off about Alex. Austin didn't care... What mattered was that Alex was about to ruin his life.


Markos shoved the sad excuse for breakfast around his tray, anxiously tapping his foot. His rings glimmered in the light and on any normal day he'd take a moment to admire it. But not today... Because today he needed to figure out what to do about the Jayce situation. It didn't matter how many times Jayce promised to stay quiet. It didn't matter how many offers he denied.

Markos was incredibly good at reading people. He was good at navigating social situations and was a lot smarter than people gave him credit for... It was simply a habit to suppress how analytical and observational he was. When society had perceived him as a woman it was considered weird or unattractive for him to be smarter than the majority of the men that took interest in him.

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