Bonus 5: Nodin

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"Aiden" Beau groaned as he pulled the blankets over his head to hide from the obnoxious man beside him. Aiden only laughed and pinched at his husband's sides to make the boy squirm. At this point, he knew how ticklish Beau was, especially on his sides.

"Come on, get up, love" Aiden chuckled. He pulled the sheets off of the exhausted copper-haired man beside him. He peppered kissed just below Beau's ear, only to be shoved away.

"Fuck off. I'm tired" Beau muttered. Aiden rolled his eyes, but couldn't resist smiling down at the gorgeous man beside him. Things were... Perfect? Aiden loved his life and found every day beside Beau to be a blessing. He was glad he had lived to see today, he was glad to wake up every morning beside Beau... He was so happy that he didn't end his life all those years ago or else he never would have met the love of his life.

Aiden was now ten years clean. It was still difficult... He wouldn't lie and say it was easy. He still struggled with what happened with Sebastian and still had a love of anxiety and nightmares from it. He still took medication to help and still struggled with being intimate with Beau on some days. But he was so much happier... He was doing so much better with each passing day. He only saw his therapist once every two weeks now. He could tolerate most touches without flinching away or panicking. He was proud of his progress.

"You're the one that wanted to stay up late" Aiden scoffed before smirking. He jokingly ran his thumb over Beau's lips before mimicking one of his husband's moans. "Aiden... Please... Again" He laughed as Beau's face flushed and he has quickly shoved further away. His cheeks were a bright cherry-red as he sat up to glare at Aiden.

"First off, I do not sound like that. Second, you're an asshole" Beau groaned. Before throwing his head back against the bed frame. Aiden only laughed and stole a chaste kiss before climbing out of bed. He grabbed a pair of his sweats before tugging them on.

"Come on, if you get up I'll make you breakfast" Aiden chuckled.

"If I get up then I actually have to grade papers and do my job" Beau deadpanned.

"I'll make you coffee... Besides, we have things to do today" Aiden grinned. He disappeared out of the room feeling thrilled and a bit anxious.

Today was a very big deal. Aiden's older brother, Micah, had been in prison for five years for drugs. He had gotten out a couple of years before Aiden and Beau's wedding, but Aiden had decided not to invite Micah... Why? Because Micah refused to get better. He had gotten caught again and was going on trial next month... His four-year-old son Nodin had been taken away by CPS and of course, they had looked to family to take him in first.

Aiden had originally thought that Xander or his mother would want to take in Nodin. Or maybe even tracking down Nodin's mother, but those things hadn't worked out. And after two long weeks of discussion and a bit of arguing with Beau, they had agreed to officially adopt Aiden's nephew. Beau had been against it at first... Mostly because he didn't want Aiden to get involved with his brother again. Especially since they would have to deal with supervised visitation and a ton of legal work. But eventually, Aiden had convinced him that Nodin needed them and that this was the best way to start the family they had dreamed of... Even if it had gone a little bit differently than planned.

Aiden carefully dug through the fridge in search of the eggs and kielbasa Beau had bought the other day. Aiden wasn't exactly good at cooking... He was really good at making a few specific things, but Beau did well over half of the cooking in the house because outside of those few things Aiden's cooking was a disaster. He brought the kielbasa over to the cutting board when Beau stumbled toward the breakfast bar and took a seat in his usual spot.

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