Chapter 28

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"I told you to take a break" Tristan muttered as he began to collect his belongings from his locker. He glanced over at his younger brother with a disappointed frown. Tristan had been captain of the soccer team for two years, and for his senior year, he got to play with Jullian. But that didn't mean he was any easier on him than the rest of the team, in fact, he was a lot harder on him than everyone else.

"Well, I didn't" Jullian scoffed as he carefully removed his shoe to inspect his ankle. "I'll be fine by tomorrow"

"I know" Tristan huffed. Jullian rolled his eyes. Of course, Tristan knew... The boy had wanted to become a doctor for as long as Jullian could remember and took every medical health class the school had offered him. "But you won't be playing"

"What?" The young brunette's eyes darted to Tristan in disbelief. "I said I'll be fine... I'm playing whether you like it or not"

"No, you're not. You didn't listen to me and you got yourself hurt. If you keep this up you'll do permanent damage over what? A game of soccer?" Tristan roughly slammed his locker shut, ignoring the boys who awkwardly shuffled to get dressed around them. Jullian and Tristan never argued... Never fought or genuinely got on the other's nerves. It was a rare sight and everyone knew to shut up and get away as soon as possible.

"I won't" Jullian groaned.

"Sometimes I wonder how the hell you're going to function when I leave for college" Tristan's gorgeous hazel eyes locked on Jullian. Today they were tinted in an excellent green...

"I'd be fine without you" Jullian snapped. "I'm playing"

"I'm team captain and I decided you aren't" Tristan deadpanned before heading toward the door. Jullian cursed and grabbed his bag, quick to follow him since Tristan was his only ride home. "Uh-huh. If you're legs so good you can walk home"


Soccer had always been an important aspect of Jullian's life. It was a good outlet for any anger or frustrations he felt... It was also the starting point of the undying friendship between him and his older brother. Soccer was what made them as close as they were... For as long as Jullian could remember, they'd sneak out when their parents were arguing or when Jullian was an exceptionally bad day at school. They'd play in the park for hours... It was one of the few safe places he had. One of the few places he was allowed to be himself.

Ever since the accident... Ever since Tristan died... He hadn't been able to play. When Tristan went to college, Jullian had taken his role as captain. He still stayed involved with the team, still worked his ass off just to stay fit enough, to be perfect. But then Tristan died. He tried to play after that... He tried to play with his team over the Summer... But playing made him dizzy.

All he could think about was Tristan teaching him how to play. Talking through the rules with him, running suicides alongside him, teaching him the different techniques. He'd stay out with Jullian for hours because he knew just how badly Jullian wanted to be perfect at something. Anything. When he tried playing, he'd fumble a lot. He felt like a little kid picking up the ball for the first time. He was absolute shit and suddenly hated playing. So he quit the team.

After that, he struggled even more with coping. Soccer had always been his outlet, his way to release any pent-up anger. But he was angrier than ever after Tristan and he had gotten rid of his outlet as a whole. He didn't have anywhere to release the building stress... It didn't take long for it to get too much for him. And that was when he started picking fights. Things as little as stealing a chip or a bad joke had become enough to set him over the top.

The only person who kept him sane in all of that was Sarah... Sarah who had lost someone she loved too... Sarah didn't falter. She was open about the fact that she was upset but she had stepped up and been over at Jullian's almost daily. Jullian's mom couldn't get out of bed and his dad had disappeared for days at a time. So Sarah would cook and kept the house intact. She took care of Jullian and his mother. Made sure they ate, tried to make them smile, and made sure that they both had the right resources to get help.

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