I'm fine I think

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He pulled me out the door ignore the yelling from my friends and family. "Why are you doing this please let me go." I plead.

"No I will not let you go I should've did this the second you stepped on my land." He says before coming to a stop in front of two men that I know are a part of his pack.

"Alpha." The taller one says as he bows his head respect. "You called."

"Yes I finally claimed what's mine and I need you to make sure those other guys don't come anywhere near her."

"Yes Alpha." They both say bowing their heads and walking away.

"No please Jake don't do this."

"I'm doing this because I care about you jasmine."

"No your now if you really care about me you would want me to be happy."

"Not if your not with me. Besides you had your chance to be happy with me now your mine either way." He says as he drags me into his room and shuts the door behind us before slamming me into it.

"Jake this isn't right and you know it."

"This is what our nature is sweetheart you belong to me and that mark on your neck says so and I love you."

"You don't love me do you know how much that hurt to forcibly mark me against my will."

"Sorry but it had to be done now shut up." He says before crashing his lips to mine. Suddenly I thought that he can't keep me here forever we aren't even on his land.

"Jake stop" I say after I manage to push him off of me. Then I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Suddenly the door to the room is thrown open.

"Alpha there is to many of them to hold off."

"Well then I know just what to do." Jake says and by the smirk on his I know that it's not a good one.

"So we are going back then."

"Yes." Jake agrees.

'Josh help me he plans on taking me back'

'Jay don't worry we won't let him take you'

'Hurry he already kissed me and I don't want him to do it again.'

'Don't worry we will be there in five minutes as soon as the guys come.'

'Ok hur....' I say but I get cut off when Jake grabs my arm and drags me up from the floor.

"Let's go." He says as he pulls me out the door towards a car that one of his pack members brought to the front.

"Please jake let me go." I plead.

"No you're going to be my Luna whether you like it or not." He says as he shoves me into the back seat of a SUV. "Let's go quick before they catch up." He orders his men before they step on the gas. So as we're speeding down the road suddenly a wolf jumps out in front of us.

"Sir what do we do." The driver asks.

"Run them over."

"No!" I scream and suddenly we come to halt just before hitting the wolf.

"What the hell is going on." Jake screams and suddenly the back doors are pulled open and I am yanked out into a strong chest. Then I let out a loud scream.

"Shh it's just me." I hear Josh say and I relax into his arms.

"Is she ok?" Dominic asks as he rounds the van and I nod my head.

"Ya she's fine, did you get them?"

"We got the driver but the other one got away with Jake."

"Oh." I say sadly I thought this time we were free of him.

"Don't worry my men are following him. He won't get far with out being caught the neighbouring packs are guarding their borders to make sure we catch him." Dominic says as he gives me a hug.

"Thanks." I say before letting go and Josh wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him.

"You know I'm not going anywhere right? You can like go of me."

"I know that I'm not taking a chance and as soon as you're ready I am replacing that mark with mine."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"okay love birds you were only away from each other for like 20 minutes so suck it up and lets go back to the house where our families are." Dominic says before he starts to walk back down the driveway towards the house.

"Ya we should go and I'm feeling kind of tired so...." I trail on which makes Josh smirk.

"Get on." He says as he bends down and I hope on his back.

"Really Jay?" Dominic says after he turned around to face us.

"What I woke up from being knocked out by Alex give me a break."

"Whatever hurry up I hear that my beautiful mate made tacos."

"Well in that case hurry up horsy." So after we get home we have dinner and then we curl up and watch a movie.

"Hey I have good news." Dominic says in the middle of the movie.

"What is it." I say from my spot on the couch where I have my head on Josh lap showing off my new Mark be have me.

"They caught Jake he's in our holding cells now."


"Yes he won't be bothering you any more and he got into a fight with a rouge and he won't get help so I'm not sure that he will make it."

"Really?" I asks kinda sad I mean he is my mate.

"Ya but he good news is that he won't be bothering you anymore."

"Ya I know, hey if it's okay with everyone I want to go to bed, Josh do you want to come with me."

"Ya sure."


"Jay where are you?" Josh yells as he walks up the stairs.

"In the...." I trail off as I throw up into the toilet yet again. "Bathroom." I finish and then I throw up again. Then I fell him rubbing my back.

"Jay we should get you checked out you have been throwing up for the last week ever since Jake took you."

"No we don't have to check me out it probably just the flu."

"Doesn't matte in taking you in."

"No josh I'm fine." I say but he still rushes me to the pack doctor anyway.

"Hey there is something wrong with her since we rescued her something isn't right." Josh's says as he gets me to sit on the hospital bed.

"Ok well I'll have to run some test for me to know what's wrong." The doctor says filling some things out on her clipboard.

"I know what's wrong I'm pregnant with Alex's baby."


One bad guy gone one more to go.

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