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"Hey how come you don't come in and hang with us?" Josh asks as he comes and takes a seat on the swing beside me while the kids played with a soccer ball near the fence.

"It just doesn't feel right and I don't want to intrude on your family time." I say as I shift my eyes away from the kids and toward the man sitting beside me.

"Non sense, whether you remember it or not your apart of this family and we want you to be able to sit with us like a family even if you don't remember anything." He says and I feel butterflies in my stomach so I shift my eyes back to the kids.

"I know you guys all say that and I wish I could remember but I just can't the only thing I really remember is Jake rejecting me and that's it."

"I know and I want nothing more than for you to remember but as long as I have you near me I will wait forever." He says as he gets up and heads over to join the kids. So I just sit there for a little bit and watch him play with his kids and watching that it makes me feel really happy to see them all happy. I soon hear my wolf whimper so I ask, 'Jamie what's wrong?'

'I want you to remember our family and be over there with them, but I can't push you to remember these things.'

'why is that though, when I'm around them I feel so happy and complete but at the same time I can't help but think that I don't belong here with this happy family but somewhere by myself since most wolfs can handle rejection.'

"Don't worry there Jasmine in good time you will be able to remember all the things that happen but you aren't ready and when you're ready you will find out that you aren't just a normal wolf' she says but then she block our connection and I know she is done with this conversation. I sigh and get up and walk into the woods.

Josh's point of view

"I know and I want nothing more than for you to remember but as long as I have you near me I will wait forever." I say and then I get up and head over to join the kids in their little soccer game. Every few minutes I look over towards jasmine and watch her watching us play but still sitting on the swing. I meant very word that I said in that conversation, I will never move on she is the love of my life and I know it, even though I was meant for someone else and that time was very short before she died but I have no doubt that this wasn't just something temporary but something that should last a life time. I look over and see that her eyes are fogged over meaning she is talking to her wolf and I see a tear escape from her eye before the fog disappears and she gets up and walks into the forest.

"Where is mommy going?" Summer asks as she watches Jay walk into the woods.

"I don't know sweetie."

"Daddy when I mommy going to start to feel better, I miss the old her."

"I don't know, and I miss the old her too but she is somewhere deep inside her and it's going to take time for her to be back after what that man did to her."

"Daddy is the mean man gone?"

"I hope so..."" I say and then the door opens and Dominic, Rachel, Andrew, and Aden come out back. I head over them while Aden runs over to join the kids.

"Hey where is Jasmine?" Rachel asks as she sets Andrews car seat down on the table in our little barbeque area.

"Umm she went into the woods just a little while ago." I say as I look towards the woods hoping to see her but all I see is tress so I look back.

"Ok she will be back eventually." Dominic says and Rachel nods.

"Oh and josh don't worry I know my best friend and she will use all her strength to try and remember what you guys had it may take a little while but she will be back."

"I know, and I will wait however long it takes for her."

"Just remember in times like this you heart just grows stronger the longer it takes her and she may just end up falling in love with you all over again." She adds before she goes and joins the kids. I watch how she interacts with the kids and I can't wait for Jasmine to be joining them.

"So have you had any luck tracking down Alex?" I ask Dominic as I turn to face him again.

"No it just seems like her dropped off the face of the planet. So we are just going to keep have larger patrol teams and have the runs closer together. No one is going to let him anywhere near Jasmine again."

"Thanks and I really appreciate what you and the pack are doing to help protect her."

"You know most of the pack treats her like she is royal and beside she is like my little sister and my mates best friend I won't let anything happen to her."

"And I would do the same if anything were to happen to Rachel."

"I know you would." He says and then Andrew starts to cry so he picks him up and rocks him in his arms and I can't help but feel a toughing on my heart when I think about the baby that Jasmine lost while she was kidnaped. Would it have been another boy or would it happen to be another girl for me to spoil rotten.

"Hey are you ok?" Dominic asks and I can hear the worry in his voice.

"Ya, I'm fine." I say and I can see that he doesn't buy it but he still drops it. Soon Zander walks through the door.

"Hey where were you little man?" Dominic asks him while he places a sleeping Andrew back into his car seat.

"Out with some friends." He says and then he blushes.

"Who is she?" I ask knowing that it's a girl.

"I don't know what you two are talking about."

"Is she your mate?" Dominic asks causing a smile to spread across Zanders face.

"Yes." He says and then his cheeks turn even redder.

"Come on tell me who it is.; Dominic pushes and I hear Zander sigh.

"Her name is Rikki." He says.

"How did you me...." I say but get cut off by someone yells though the mind link.


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