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"Sir we don't smell the baby anymore." I hear someone outside the cage say and I just continue to stare at the wall.

"Good now the real fun can begin." Another one says and I feel a shiver cross my body and I try to lie as still as I can. It all goes quiet for a few minutes until I hear the cell door open. "I know your not sleeping." The same voice says and I sigh and them turn around and see Alex standing there watching me.

"Just leave me alone." I say weakly.

"No can do." He says and one of the rouges brings back in the box of torture toys. He bring out the wimp and starts to bring it down over an over again. Soon the blackness takes over.

Flash backs

Jasmine (age 10)

The day my dad brought me to the hospital to meet my new baby brother. We went into the room where my mother was holding a bundle of blankets. I sit on the side of the bed and my mom hands me my brother and I look at him. "He's so cute what's his name?" I ask.

"Zander Ray." My mom says and I see her smile down at her two kids and my dad comes over and sings his arm around me moms shoulder.

Jasmine (age 15)

January 6th. The date that was permanently stuck in my brain. It started off as a normal day. I woke up to my alarm clock going off. After getting dressed I grab my backpack and my purse. I make my way to my best friend Sam's house. After getting let in by Sam's dad I make my way up the stairs and into her room. I notice that that she isn't in her bed so I call out her name. "Sam where are you?" I shout in her room but I got no response.

"Sam?" I ask and I walk into her bathroom and the sight I saw was not what I expected. I see the iron bottle of pills on the sink and she was laying awkwardly on her bathroom floor. "Sam wake up." I say as I shake her bit it's no use. I check her pulse but there isn't one. "Help someone please help!" I yell and her parents run into the room. Once they see what happened. Her mom leaves the room to call 911 and her dad pulls me away from her body and holds me while I cry. Twenty minutes later I sit on her steps with the tears running down my face as I watch the paramedics load her body into the back of the ambulance in a body bag.

Jasmine (age 17)

I was dressed on a beautiful floor length dress that has lace starting from the waist flowing down over the silly dress. A beaded top. My bangs were braided back with a tiara. In just a few minutes I will be married to Josh. Soon time flys and I have already walked down the isle

Jasmine (age 18)

I was only in labour for four hours before we welcomed Summer Marie Evans into the world at 7:07 pm on the 14 of June. She was born four months after I married Josh. All my new friends were there to welcome her to the family.

Jasmine (age 21)

After being in labour for 12 hours we welcomed baby Noah's James Evan into the world and just like last time all of the gang was here and summer got to hold her baby brother.

End of flash backs

I awake to here Summer yelling at me from across the hall. A small feeling of sadness washes over me to think that I didn't die but an even bigger feeling of happiness soon follows know I will get to see to girls again. "Mommy help." I hear Summer yell and I can hear the sadness in her voice. I jump out of bed and run over to the door where I see her standing in her door way making sure bot to touch the silver bars on it.

"Summer what's wrong." I asks but it comes out weakly.

"Mommy faith won't wake up." She says and the tears start to flow harder.

"Somebody help me please." I yell down the hall hoping there is a rouge down here. A few seconds later one steps into my view.

"What's do you want?" He says rather rudely.

"My daughter won't wake up please let me help her." I beg and he looks down the hall before looking back.

"Fine." He says as grabs go keys from his pocket and open the cage. He grabs my arm tightly and pulls me over to the girls cell where he unlocks it and pushes me inside. I waste no time an rush over the the bed that Faith is laying on.

"Honey it's mommy wake up please." I says as I shake her but she won't wake up. "What have you been giving her?" I snap at the rouge that's standing outside of the cell only to see him unlocking the cage for Alex to come in.

"The same thing I have been giving Summer. Salt it helps keep the magic down." He says.

"You idiot. She hasn't practiced magic yet so it won't be effected by the salt it will just add to it and it will slowing start to kill her. The power building up in her is too much." I yell and I start to hit him on the chest only to have him grab me tightly and pull me hard against his chest." Let me go!" I yell at him as I struggle to get out of his grip.

"No, not unless you calm down." He says and I take a deep breath and stop struggling. Once her see that's I have settled he let's me go and I run back over to Faith. I out my hands on her chest and think on my mind what I want I happen. I use the little power I can master and take some out of Faith but all that magic ends up over powering me. I start to collapse to the floor but not before seeing faiths eyes open. Once I hit the floor I pass out.

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