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Josh's point of view

After getting her to the pack doctor we rushed her and the girls straight to the pack hospital back in our own territory since it was closer. The girls were just starved and needed to have some liquid put into their system since. The mystery girl that we picked up doesn't know her name and won't speak. We went to try to get her to write her name but she doesn't know how to write. Four days Jays been out and we were told that there was no telling if she would wake up. I remember when she first got here

Flash back

The pack doctor rushed her into a room where she locked the door behind her. The pack doctor that handles the kids came and took the girls. The were done first so I went and checked in them. She told me that then were fine and that they could go home after they get some food and liquid into them. They were sleeping when I left and went and say outside of jays room where the doctor was still checking her out. About twenty minutes later the doctor unlocks the door and comes out. "Ah Josh i was just going to come and get you come on in."

" is she?" I ask as I look at her. She has bandages all over her body and has the oxygen mask on her face.

"It doesn't look good. Her body is showing signs if rape and she is cut pretty badly in some spots. The marks in her body also show that her wolf isn't there and that's she may never be back. Right now her body is in a coma. While I was checking her out though she crashed a couple times but I was able to bring her back."

"So how long until she wakes up?" I ask.

"With these things it's hard to tell it come be days, weeks, months, it could even years. There is no telling but there is a good chance she may never wake up."

"No this can't be happening she can't leave us." I say as I start to have a break down.

End of flash back

"Daddy, is mommy up yet?" Summer asks as she walks into the room.

"No honey she is still sleeping." I say as I grab her in my arms and she gives me a tight hug.

"I just want her to wake up." She says beiges she lays her head in the crook of the neck and I feel the tears start to fall.

"Me too." I say as I rub her back. I turn my head and I look at Jay as her chest rises and falls slowly.

"Josh honey it's time to tuck the kids into bed." My mom says as she walks into the room.

"Ok." I say as I stand up and carry Summer to her room. I tuck her into bed and kids her head before heading out the room.

"Goodnight daddy." Summer says sleepily.

"Good night baby girl." I say as I close the door most of the way and make my way to summers room. "Hey it's time ore bed." I say as I walk into the room to see her playing with her new kitchen set.

"Ok daddy." She says as she climbs into bed. I tuck her in.

"Good night." I say as I leave the room and then go into Noah's room. He is plying with Zander in the floor. Since we got back and he saw Jay he realized why was happening and had been helping me out a lot. "Hey it's time for Noah's bed time."

"Ok I will put him to end if you want to go back to my sister." He says as he grabs out some of Noah's pjs.

"Zander you have done lots around here but I can't let you take care if my kids. How about you go and visit with Jay."

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes now go." I say and he leaves so I get Noah ready for bed.

Zander point of view

"Yes now go." Josh says before I leave the room and head into their room where Jay is laying on their bed.

"Jasmine, I know I have asked this before but please come back. I can't lose anyone else." I say as I lay my head in my crossed arms on the bed.

" I her Jay say and I look up and see her looking sprung confused.

"Josh come quick she is awake!" I yell and he runs into the room soon followed by the pack doctor, Dominic, his mom and Greg and this mate.

Josh's point of view

"Josh come quick she is awake!" Zander yells and I run out of Noah's room and into my room and I see Jay liking around confused. Soon everyone is in the room an the pack doctor is checking her.

"Jay dear how are you feeling?" The doctor asks her.

"Who's Jay?" She asks.

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