family visits

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The trip back home went ok with only a few bathroom breaks for the kids and two rest stops but now we are pulling in the driveway and into the garage. I grab Noah out while the older ones get out themselves since they had a nap earlier. Once inside i show Zander and Faith around and then we make our way into the kitchen for supper. I sit the kids down at the island/table and set them up with the colouring books we keep in here. "Jasmine can I help you with anything." Zander asks while i was looking though the pantry. 

"No you can do what ever you want, I'm going to make chicken fried rice." I say as I grab out some chicken and put it in the oven so they can thaw. Just then there was a knock at the door. "i wonder who that is i didn't tell anyone i was coming back." i say as i make my way to the front door. i open it and i see Greg one of the packs warriors and Josh's mom. "Hi?"

"Hi honey Josh told us everything and that you were coming and we decided to help with the work so we brought Greg here to help." Mia Josh's mom says as she walks inside.

"Well i wasn't going to start till tomorrow but you guys can stay for dinner and than come back." i say as we head into the kitchen. 

"They can leave but alpha told me to stay with you guys while your here" Greg says before summer yells causing him to jump.

"Grandma!" Summer yells as she runs over to give Mia a hug. 

"Ok well welcome to the house for a few days." I say as i resume making the chicken. I grab a cutting board and a knife. 

"Ok so who are these cuties?" Mia asks causing Faith to run over to me and hid behind my legs. 

"That is my brother Zander and this is Faith." I say as i pick up Faith and then bring her over to the table. "Guys this is Josh mom Mia and Greg is my friend." i say and Faith even gives them a low hi. Once they are friendly i go back and start to making dinner.

"No no Jay I'm making dinner for you guys you take the kids to play outside." Mia says as she shoves me out of the kitchen. When Mia has an idea there is no changing her mind. The girls go and play on the play set and Zander sits with me and Noah on the patio. 

"I like your house Jasmine." Zander says while he is playing peek-a-boo with Noah causing him to giggle. 

"Thanks it was a present form Dominic when me and Josh got married." i says as i sit Noah in his exersaucer and sit back down. 

"Dominic you mean your alpha?" he asks.

"Ya he is like another brother to me. We are close since i moved here and we are with them all the time." I say and i see Zander's face fall when i mention that he is like my brother. 


"Ya but your still my favorite brot..." i get cut of by Faith screaming.

"mommy there is something in the bush." Summer yells as they both run over to me.

"Shh its probably someone from the pack." i say and then Dominic's mom comes out of the bush in human form.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare the kids." she says as she makes her way over to the patio. 

"Grandma B" Summer yells as she runs over to her. I have called Dominic's mom, mom ever since i was found because she loved me like a daughter and it kinda stuck to Summer. 

"Hey i didn't know you were coming over." I say as she sits down beside me on the stools.

"Ya Dominic said to come and make sure you are settling on ok but i don't know why you just came home not moving in." She says and laughs. 

"Ya they all seem worried about nothing i'm more than capable to stay by myself." I say as Mia walks out the door.

"Jay dinner is.. oh hi Brenda." Mia says cutting her self off.

"Hi." Brenda says.

"I'm glad i made lots of food are you joining us for dinner?" she asks.

"Oh no i don't want to impose i was just checking in on Jay here." 

"non sense you ave to join us and get to know my siblings." I say as i pick up Noah and start to head into the house.

"Fine." She says knowing that she has too.

"Grandma B are you coming back with us to see daddy?" Summer asks as she follows us inside.

"No sweetie i have to stay here and help grandpa Don with somethings but i will be here when you get back." She says as she lifts her up into her arms. Don is her husband and the old alpha.

"Oh." She says and then we sit down for supper.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Right now we are all watching the little mermaid, while Noah is asleep up stairs. "Ok girls its time for bed so say good bye to everyone and i'll meet you two upstairs." i say once the movie is over. 

"Goodbye." they both say before Faith follows Summer up stairs to her room. 

"Ya i better get going before Don has a cow." Brenda says as she stands up.

"Ya i'll walk with you to the pack house." Mia says as she stands up and makes her way towards the door. 

"Ok bye and I'll see you tomorrow to help with the kids rooms." I say before i shut the door and lock it behind them. 

"Greg you can sleep in the guest room and Zander you can sleep in my room." I say as i lead the guys up the stairs. Once upstairs Greg and Zander go to the left to get to the master bedroom and the spare, while i go left to Summers room. 

"Ok lets get you two into your PJ's." i say as i grab two night gowns from the laundry basket i have yet yo out away. once they are changed and have their teeth brushed i tuck them both into Summers bed and then i leave the room. Once I'm ready for bed i crawl in and see that Zander is already asleep. I slowly close my eyes and let the darkness take over.


Please read my other story Summer love on -story_lover. 

***Every fifteen votes i"ll add a bonus chapter from a random persons point of view.

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