shopping day

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The next morning Mia plays with the kids while Greg and I set up the rooms. We start in Faiths room. I place some purple curtains on the wall behind the place where Greg I setting up her double bed. Once that is finished I place all the tables around the room and full then with books and toys. Once I finish placing the decorations around the room we move onto Zanders. We set up the furniture and adds posters and stuff since he probably wouldn't be into pretty decorations. Once we finish both rooms we go down stairs. "Ok so who wants to see their new room?" Greg asks as soon as we get into the living room. I walk over to the jolly jumper and pick up Noah and put him on my hip.

"I do!" Faith yells as she jumps up from the spot that she was playing a puzzle with at the same time Zander says.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *
After they see their rooms we head over to the mall to buy Faith some of her own clothes and to buy a few things for the others but I mostly boys stuff for Zander. "Ok Greg you go with Zander and get him some things and I will take the girls and Noah to the children's store and meet us by the fountain in two hours." I say before walking away not leaving any room for discussion.

The first store we go to is a children's store we walk over to the escalator and head up to the girls department. We head over to the skirts and buy her about ten skirts all in the colours pink and purple but one white one that I put in there. Fifth teen pairs of leggings and shorts. Three pairs if jeans, a jean jacket a few sweaters. Then we buy about a 100 dollars worth of dresses. Next we go over to the shoes section and buy a various amount of shoes form sandals to runners. Summer picked out a blue polka-doted dress. Next we head over to the toy store and we get sown toys for Faith to call her own and a couple for Noah.

"Mommy can we get a hair cut?" Summer asks after the toy store.

"Ya sure let's go." I say and we walk over to the hair dressers.

"What's a hair cut?." Faiths asks with a scared look on her face.

"It's where there cut you hair to make it look pretty." I say.

"You never had a hair cut?" Summer asks.

"No." She says shyly.

"Well then let's make this one good." I says as we reach the reception desk. "Hi I would like two hair cuts for my girls." I say.

"Ok that will be a minute." She says at the same time Noah wakes up from his nap in the stroller. We walk over to the chairs and I pick him up out of the seat and sit him on my lap.

"Ok we can take them now." The girls says as she leads is back to the seats where Faith gets a hair cut and we get Summers hair trimmed. After i pay for the hair cut we head over to the baby store where I buy Zander a few new outfits. I look at my watch and see that we have about ten minutes so u decide to head over and but a few things for Josh and I. Once that is done we head to our netting spot where Greg and Zander are waiting for us.

"Ok so we got him a whole closet full of clothes and a couple of video games." Greg says once he meets up with us.

"Great I got these guys some new clothes and other things. So let's head out and meet Mia at the restaurant for our last dinner here." I say and we make our way there.

"Grandmas coming?" Summer asks and I see her face light up.

"Ya and we better get you guys into the car before she leaves because we are late." I say and we head out to the cars.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

After we pack the car up, we head over to my favourite pizza place. "Table for seven please." Greg tell the girl at the door as soon as we walk in.

"One moment sir." She says before she walks away a few minutes later she returns and take us to our table. I set Noah's car seat on the chair beside me since he is sleeping from our trip to the mall. "Ok your waitress will be with you in a minute." She says as she hands us our menus and then walks away.

"So summer your excited to go back and see your daddy?" Mia asks.

"Ya and I get to play with Aden again." She says as she colours her kids menu.

"Are we going to see sir again when we go back?" Faith suddenly asks from beside me.

"Umm we might but don't worry we won't let him touch you." I say ensuring her just as our waitress comes over.

"Hello my name is Ellie. May I start off with your drinks?" She asks.

"Umm I'll have a water and three apple juices." I say.

"I'll have a coke." Zander says.

"Spite." Greg says.

"Coffee." Mia's says. Once we get our drinks we all order three large pepperoni pizzas for us and whatever we won't eat Mia will take to the pack house. After eating we pay for our meal and then head out to the cars. Once I get the kids into the car I talk to Greg. Just then my phone rings and it's Nick. "Hey Nick what's up?" I ask. There is a short silence before he says anything.

"Jay it's Alex he escaped."


Sorry but I've been busy with school starting up but I promise that I will be back to updating every Thursday.

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