Rouge attack

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After a our day of fun we come home and we all go to bed. The next morning i wake and go to the wash room but when i get into the bathroom i suddenly feel sick so i rush over to the toilet and puke up all the food i ate at the kids zone and the pizza. After I finish I rinse my mouth and then head back into the room to see Noah laying awake in his crib. I lift him up and quickly get dressed and then carry him out of the room. I make my way down to the kitchen. I plan to make everyone breakfast but when I get there there is Dominic. "Oh hey I was planning to make breakfast but I see you already beat me to it." I says while I place Noah in his high chair then go into the fried to get some fruit to blend.

"Ya well you have been busy lately and with all that is going on I thought you would need a break." After I blend the fruit I put it in a bowl and sit down beside Noah.

"You don't have to worry I'm perfectly fine Dominic." I says as I feed Noah his first bite.

"Jay I know you want to act tuff but it's okay to be afraid once in a while."

"Dominic I know but I'm not scared I have you, Josh, the pack worriers that are here and jake while pack they won't let anyone touch me." I say as I finish up Noah's breakfast and eat an apple for myself.

"Fine keep thinking that but I know you are afraid and of course we will protect you no matter what." He says and I throw away the apple core.

"Ok so while you and everyone else freak out about what's going on Noah and I are going to the store by our selves." I say as I pick him up and then make my way out to one of the SUVs since we left the car back at the pack house. Once we are all buckled I head towards the store. Once there I walk to the pharmacy and buy four pregnancy test just to make sure. After I pay for them I head back to the pack house and then go straight to the room where I place Noah on the carpet by sown if his toys. Then I drink a bottle of water and then I head into the bathroom where I pee on the stick and then I walk out and lay in the bed while I wait. After five minutes I get up and walk into the bathroom. I take a deep breath and I look at the tests and they all say positive.

"Rouge attack." Someone yells though the pack link and I run out of the room grabbing Noah along with me. I meet Rachel at the bottom of the stairs with all the kids.

"Zander stay with Rachel and the kids." I say as I hand Rachel Noah and run out the doors and meet up with Josh and Dominic along with the other pack.

"What do you want rouges?" Jake demands while all the rouges just stand there and smirk whether they are in their wolf forms or not.

"We'll we have someone the wants to say hello." One of the rouges that looks like he is in charge. All the rouges make a path and u see someone walk up.

"Alex." Dominic growls and I feel Josh push me behind him.

"Who's that?" Jake asks as he walk closer to me.

"He's a guy that tried to kill me and he just escaped from our cells and is the reason why I was rushed back to this territory." I say.

"Oh." Is all he says. I roll my eyes.

"What do you want Alex?" I asks annoyed.

"Well I think you know what I want."

"Ya we all know what you want but you are not ever going to have it." Dominic says.

"I don't think you have a choice." He says and then he snaps his fingers and a rouge drags out Aden.

"Daddy!" Aden crys which make me flinch because I just saw Rachel with Aden and the tiger kids.

"Where are the others?" Josh asks seeming to understand why I flinched.

"Oh don't worry we left then alone well most of them."

"What do you mean most of them." I ask nervously. Well you will see once I get what I want."

"Fine but you have to let Aden and the others go." I says as I take a step towards him.

"Once I have you I will let him go."

"No." Josh and Dominic says at the same time I say.

"Fine." I just ignore them and then I make my way over to him. Once I get there he roughly grabs my arm.

"Now you have to let the others go." I say trying to ignore the fact that he is giving me a bruise.

"Fine." He says and the rouge that has Aden let's him go and he runs to Dominic who immediately grabs him into a hug.

"What about the the others?" I asks but I feel him poke me with a needle and I can tell that it's silver because I suddenly feel drained.

"I lied about letting the other go." He says to me and then turns to face the others. "Now I'm going to take her and the other girls and my friends here are going to make sure you behave." He says and then he turns and starts to drag me away but we suddenly stops and adds. "Attack." Before he drags me away from the scene of all my friends being hurt. Soon I feel my eyes getting heavy and then the world goes black.

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