Make over

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This morning i hear Noah crying because i fix the baby monitor that ran out of batteries. I get out of bed and make my way down the hallway. Once inside Noah's room i notice that he isn't crying anymore and Zander is playing peek-a-boo with him. "You didn't have to do that." I say as i make my way over to them.

"I know but i was was right here when he started to cry." He says as he hands Noah over to me.

"Well thanks, could you check on the girls and then join me in the kitchen, i'll be cooking breakfast." i say as i leave the room aqnd make my way down to the kitchen. I grab out a box of cherieos and pour some onto Noahs high chair and put on the coffee. Then i get get the ingredients to make french toast and bacon like i used to love as a kid. I start to fry the bacon and then i mix the batter for the toast when Zander walk into thge kitchen.

"hey the girls are still sleeping." He says as he takes a seat beside Noah.

"Whats smells so good?" Greg asks as he walks into the room.

"Bacon and french toast." i say as i put four peices on the grill. "Would you like some coffee?" i asks as i grab a mug out for me.

"Sure but i'll grab it my self i dont want surgar in mine like you made me last time." He says as he grabs a mug and pours his coffee and drinks it black.

"That was a year ago and its need sugar its too strong." i say causing him to laugh. So I finish making breakfast and then wake the girls up so we can all eat.


After breakfast I get the kids dressed and then I get ready while they are down stairs with Greg. I grab out a baby blue tank top and black skinny jeans with a pair of black flats. After grabbing Noah's diaper bag I head down the stairs. "Hey Greg do you have your truck here?" I ask just relishing that I don't have room for him in the car, I really need to get out and buy a bigger car.

"Ya." He says.

"Great I don't have room in my car for you so do you mind driving yourself and maybe Zander would come with you and I'll give you twenty bucks for gas because I might need the bed of it too."

"Ya no problem." He says.

"Great ok kids let's go get into the car." I say as I pick up Noah from where he was crawling on the floor. Once in the car we head towards the mall where we are meeting Mia. The twenty minute car ride was surprisingly quiet ever since I got Greg to fix the broken movie player. The girls were watching the little mermaid and Noah fell asleep. Once at the mall I get the girl out of the back seat and then I go to the truck and grab Noah's stroller out and then place him in gently trying not to wake him up.

"So where are we meeting Mia?" Greg asks as he and Zander walk up to the car.

"The food court she said she wanted to get her coffee before we started to shop." I say as we head into the mall. Once we meet up with Mia we head over to the furniture store to pick out beds. We get them both a double bed, night stand and a dresser. We head over to the quilt store and we get them bedding. After shopping at a few more stores we go and have lunch n the food court.

"Can we have pizza mommy?" Summer asks for both her and Faith.

"Sure." I say.

"Here I'll go with them I want pizza too so if you want to get something else you can go." Greg says as he walks with the girls to Pizza Hut: I take Noah over to get noodles for me and him over at the Chinese place. Zander and Mia go to get fries from fry place. After eating we decide to go to a paint store before we head home. I buy Faith purple paint for her room and I get a dark blue colour. We spend most of the evening painting the rooms and then we had to let them dry over night. For supper we decide to have a outdoor barbecue. Greg said that he would make supper tonight so I just got to sit down with Noah and Zander while the girls played on the play set. After dinner we all head in and have another movie night before calling it a night.

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