Rescue plans and puzzle pieces

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"Mommy please wake up." I hear when i start to come though.

"Mommy?" i hear another voice say and then i register who the voices belong to. I jump up and see Faith and summer with tears in their eyes.

"Hey guys I'm right here." i say and they both come running over to me and give me a big hug witch i gladly return.

"ah looking at you guys you look so cute alex says as he come out of the shawdows and into the light outsside the cell.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"Oh you know what I want."

"I knew what you wanted before you got caught and I know that you don't want that back cause now your the leader of the rouges."

"I want you to suffer and I know just how to do that."

"And how is that?"

"Easy I'll kill the baby."

Josh point of view

we are currently in the living room of the house we are staying at. Dominic is holding his wife while she cries about what happened to them and Zander is entertains Aden and Noah while us adults figure out what to do to save Jay and the girls."Josh will you please stop pacing." Greg the guard asks from his place in front of the fire place.

"Ya he is right Josh you need to sit down and relax." Dominic agrees.

"I cant sit down right now my wife and daughter are missing along with my niece. I don't have time to sit down." I yell at them i know it won't help but i do it anyways.

"Josh please?" Rachel asks and i have no choice but to sit down because she is the Luna and i always respect what girls says. (hey i was brought up right.) Just then the door burst open and Jake and Mark storm into the living room.

"What are you doing here?" i snap jumping out of my seat. Seeing Mark makes my wolf start to try and get out.

"I'm here to see what you but jobs are doing to find my mate." He snaps causing my wolf to let out a low growl.

"And I'm here to see how your going to get me back my property." Which make my wolf growl again.

"Listen here you mutts Jasmine is not you mate since you rejected her and second of all Faith is a HUMAN not not property and they sure as hell wont be going anywhere near you too ever again.m Once they are both back here in my arms we are out of here coming here to help you pack was the worst mission ever and we will never have to see you too again." I yell at them and now my breath is coming out is huffs.

"Josh calm down." Dominic try's to tell me but i'm no longer in charge of my body and my wold wont let any one or anything come between him and his Mate even if she isn't the one we are destined to be with but the one we marked as our and are proud to clam as his.

"Dominic its no use his wolf has taken over and his is furious and wont calm down for some time." Rachel explains to her mate. i decide that I'm not going to stand around with these people so we storm out of the room and out the back door towards the woods where i quickly shift seeding my clothes and taking a run up to the mountain where my wolf lets out a howl trying to send it to Jasmine.

Twenty minutes later I head back to the house and I head straight to my room avoiding everyone. I make it to the room and I quickly grab clothes and sneak into the bathroom to change but something catches my eye three pregnancy tests on the counter and one on the sink. I look at the tests and they all read positive. I drop the tests and run down stairs after putting shorts on if course. "whoa why are you in such a rush?" Rachel asks as I run into the living room.

"Jay she...shes...pregnant." I says in between breaths.

"What?" Dominic asks.

"Well I saw the tests in the bathroom and it makes sense that she is pregnant she would be about two months." I say. "I need to save her faster now not just for her or the girls but for my in born pup." Just then one of our guards run in.

"Alpha I found his in the steps" he says handing Dominic the letter. he opens it and read it over before he reads it out loud.

'So I guess you found out about your newest pup but don't worth about it anymore soon it will be just a part of history. Ps the girls want to say hi so I sent you something.' he reads before pulling out two pieces of clothing. Both of the pieces have blood on them.

"The girls were wearing those." Rachel gasps and Dominic decided to finish the letter.

'So I guess you want to have them back well I guess you better solve the riddle then...

Rose are red

Violets are blue

I know something that you don't

So when you know the puzzle will show the one that knows the way to your pride and joy'

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