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That is the noise I woke up to about ten minutes ago but I can't bring myself to open my eyes. I can hear the steady breathing of Josh beside me and I'm scared not only that Alex said he would come back for me but I'm scared that once I open my eyes that everything is going to be different.




The stupid sound of the heart monitor is starting to annoy me. I finally open my eyes and pull the stupid thing out of my arm making the machine make this very loud and long beep. "No Jasmine." Josh suddenly jumps up and I can tell that he thinks that I just died.

"I..I'm..r..right here." I say but my throat is very dry. His eyes travel from me to my hand, to the monitor and back.

"Oh thank god I thought I lost you for good this time." He say before grabbing my into a big hug.

"J..J...Josh." I say.

"Of you must be thirsty here." He says as he hands me a glass of water. I take it from him and drink it all down in one big sip. After I put the glass down I lay back in the bed and we sit in silence. "So do you remember anything?" He asks breaking the silence.

"Ya I remember everything. The day I first meet you, the day I married you, the days the kids were born, what happened with Alex, and everything in between. I'm sorry for the way I acted."

"don't worry you didn't know who we were or who you were it was as if you were living with strangers and we completely understand."

"still I shouldn't of acted like that."

"whatever it's over with and I know a few people who are excited to see you so if you're ready I will go and get them and they could visit."

"yeah sure I can't wait to see the kids they've grown up so much since I last last saw them especially noah he's walking and talking I miss them so much."

"And I know the missed you too so I'm going to go and get the kids and there is someone outside the door just waiting to talk to you so..." He says before he opens the door and Rachel comes flying in the door.

" you know who I am?" She asks after coming to a halt in front of the bed.

"Your my best friend and you were the maid of honour at my wedding."

"Oh thank god I thought you wee never going to... Never mind I'm just so happy that you are all better."

"I'm so happy that I'm back but I have to tell you something."

"You know you can tell me anything, what is it?" She asks.

"It's Alex he said that it wasn't over and he will be back. I'm so scared of what he is going to do next time. He brought a couple of men with him this time how many is he going to bring next time."

"Did you tell Josh?"

"No I didn't and I'm not going to neither are you. You aren't even going to tell Dominic."

"Why not he can help you." She says and I just shake my head.

"There is no telling how much time I have left before he comes back and I have a feeling that this time I won't be coming back." I say but she interrupts me.

"No don't say that I just got this back and I don't want to lose you again if you just tell him and Dominic the whole pack will be ready to attack when he comes please." She begs and I can see the years running down her face.

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