Welcome back to h*ll

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The car ride took forever. We had to stop quite a few times because of the kids and for supper but other than that it was good. I had offered to take Aden in our car so we had three kids to entertain. It was loud at times but once they all fell asleep it was nice. Once we got with in three miles of the boarder we pull over to the side of the road. Josh and I get out of the car leaving the kids inside. Josh walks around the car and garbs my hand as we walk over to Rachel and Dominic. "Hey Jasmine how's it going?" he asks me.

"Good I'm nervous about what they are going to do when they find out I'm not died." I say and I fell Josh squeeze my hand to reinsure me.

"Don't worry we will all be there for you."

"I know." I say and I put on a fake smile.

"Ok so we are meeting the pack outside their pack house and we will find out about the sleeping arrangements. So is everyone ready" Dominic asks.

"Ya" we all say.

"Ok good, so lets go, oh and Jasmine."

"It's Jay and yes." I ask.

"Ok Jay, we will take Aden so we can carry him into his room."

"Ok." I say as we start to walk over to the car. Josh goes and gets in his side and I open the back door. I look in and see that all the kids are still sleeping. I grab Aden and I had him over to Rachel who heads back to their truck with him.

"Hey, we need you to be brave and get them whipped into shape fast and then we can leave."

"I don't know if I can be brave but I can have them ready in about four weeks." I say.

"Don't say that I know you can be brave." He says as he gives me a hug. "Your my sister and my little solider." He jokes and walks back to his truck.

"haha very funny." I say as I shake my head and open my door and hope in. We sit in a very quiet car with only our breathing making noise. I stare out the window and watch the trees that I grew up playing in. We soon reach the pack house where I had so many bad memories. I feel Josh squeeze my hand. "Let's get this over with." I say as I open my door and step out. I walk over to Josh and he grabs my hand. We go and stand beside Dominic and Rachel. I look into the crowd of my old pack and I spot my parents and a boy who looks in this preteens and I know that its my brother Zander. Then Jake speaks.

"Welcome Silver moon back, I'm Jake and I'm the alpha, this is my beta Rick and my third in command Zack." He says as he extends his hand to Dominic.

"Hi, I'm Alpha Dominic and this is my wife Rachel." He says and Jake Shakes Rachel's hand and I can't help but laugh at the glare she is giving him. "And this is my third in command.." He starts but Josh interrupts,

"Hi, I'm Josh and this is.."

"Jasmine?" he asks.

"No this is my wife Jay."

"Oh sorry you just reminded me of someone." He extends his hand but luckily he stops when he hears a little voice.

"mommy" I hear Summer yell as she climbs out of the car. She sounds scared.

"Right here baby." I say as I let go of Josh's hand and turn around. Summer runs into my arms crying. "Honey what's wrong."

"I thought you guys left me."

"No honey we would never leave you." I say as I stand up and walk back over to Josh.

"Mommy Noah's awake." She says sleepy. I hand her over to Josh and walk back over to the car. I grab Noah and bounce him on my hip whild i walk back over.

"Ok, so where will we be staying as you can see the kids are very tired." Dominic says to try and get the attention off of me.

"Oh yes I will show you, but first where is your trainer i would like to talk to him about somethings." Jake says which causes our pack to laugh. "What is so funny?" He ask confused.

"She is right here and he is a girl." I say.

"Oh.." he says but gets cut off.

"There is no way a girl can train a whole pack of wolves." Some guy in Jake's pack yells and I hear a few member agree.

"Look her mutt, we are only here because the is making us and we wouldn't have to have a girl train you if you guys weren't so weak." Dominic yells.

"Yes and we apresheate your help and my pack will be dealt with. Jas... i mean Jay can i talk to you now?"

"No, I am here to train your pack not for you to boss me around. So if you would kindly show us where we will be staying so I can put my kids to bed." I snap.

"Ok right this way." He says. We all follow him around to the back of the pack house where there is now a short road to a new house about the size of the barn back at our teritory and Ican tell that a they all have noticed because they are laughing too. We walk inside and look around. "Ok so the alpha and his family are on the second floor. There is a large room and a smaller room there for your son. There is also a place for your beta to stay."

"My beta is back at my pack so Jay and Josh can stay in their with Noah. Aden and Summer can share a room." He says.

"Actually we were wondering if you can move a spare bed into our room for summer." Josh says.

"That can be arranged just let me call my pack." His eyes fog over and then he says. "They will be here in a few minutes." He says. so we wait the few minutes it takes them to lug a bed inside and up to our room. They have already put in some sheets and them Josh tucks Summer into her bed while I put Noah in his play pen. I change into my pjs and climb into bed. I feel Josh climb into bed and he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me into.

"Hey get some rest, we start training in tomorrow." he says and I soon find myself falling asleep.

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