5 months later

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Josh's point of view
5 months. It's been five months since Alex took Jay and the girls away from me. We tried to track her but we lost her smell after it rained. My mom came down to help out with Noah since I'm always out trying to find her. Noah is getting big he is now walking and saying some words, the one that hurts the most is that his first word was mama. About a month after Jay was kidnapped he spoke his first word and made everyone cry. Right now Zander doesn't speak to anyone except Aden who he shares a room with. "Josh honey come on and play with Noah. Jay wouldn't want this." My mom says as she finishes putting on Noah's shoes so he can play outside.

"Shes right you know." Rachel says as comes in to heat up a bottle for baby Andrew. Andrew is three and a half months now.
"I know. Ok let's go." I say and we make our way out to the back yard and she sets down Noah and he starts to walk around the yard.
"Hey Josh good to see you outside." Dominic says as he brings out Aden to play.
"Ya it about time that I stop tip toeing around acting like nothing else is happening around me right now."
"Ya so..." He starts to say but his phone rings before he can finish. "hello... really... that's great... ok we will be there soon."
"So what was that about." my mom asks and Dominic has the biggest smile ever.
"Gather every one from the pack and meet me in the living room. oh and Josh's take Aden with you there is something I have to do." he says before he walks was out waiting for my answer. So we go and gather everyone and meet in the living room all in ten minutes. The last ones there were Dominic and Jake.
"Ok so what's this about." Jake ask clearly not wanting to be here.
"Well that was David and he found Jay and the girls." He says then adds. "He is waiting for us near the locations so lets go." He says and we all head out to the cars to drive to where they are holding Jay.
Jasmines point of view
Time seems to go by slowly. It seems like time just drags by. I don't know know how long I've been here but it has to be long since it seems my wolf is gone. The torture has gotten worse. He started to rape me but it's not just him a few of his fiends take turns also. They moved me all the way to the end of the hall away from my girls. That's was about a month after I got here but once the beatings got harder I started to be lost. Soon I hear foot steps coming down the hall. Since I'm the only one down this way I know what awaits me. "Still haven't moved yet huh." Alex asks even know he knows he won't get an answer. "Fine don't answer." He says and starts to take his pants off. He then comes and sits over my body but doesn't get any farther than that when one of his men runs in and whisper something into his ear. He suddenly jumps up and pulls his pants off before he runs out the door. He presses a button on the wall outside of the cell and then he's gone. Soon the room fills with smoke and I know he set the place on fire. I finally move trying to save my self my lungs soon start to burn for clean air and soon i feel my self slipping away and this time it's for good. I let out one final scream before everything is gone.
Josh's point of view
Once we get to the building that they are holding my family in. We all barge in and head straight for the cells but by the time we get down there the whole place is filled with smoke. "Josh you get this cell and I'll get the next free everyone." Dominic says and he goes into his cell. I go into a cell and see a girl about the same age as Jasmine.
"Hey are you ok?" I ask the girl and she nods not even looking up at me.
"Josh I found the girls." Dominic yells and I grab the girl and pull her out of the cell. I walk over to where Dominic had disappeared.
"Daddy!" The girls yell and run over to me and give me a hug. I can tell that they haven't really been taken care of. They both have bags under their eyes and are skin and bone.
"Josh I smell Jay are yo... MATE." Greg says and runs over and captures the girl from the other cell into a hug. She just flinches. All of a sudden there is a scream from the end of the cells where the smoke is strongest. I know that scream any where I let go of the girls and run into the cloud of smoke towards her. It takes me a few minutes before I can find her though the smoke but when I get to her she is out. I put my head to her chest and hear the faintest heart beat. I pick her up and run her to our pack doctor that is put side.
I finally updated it on thursday like i wanted too. Please comment I want to hear what you think is going happen. Closest person will have the next chapter dedicated to them.
Thanks and hope your enjoying the book so far.

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