Going back

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We arrive at the pack house twenty minutes after we left which gives us ten minutes before the matting starts. I get out of the car and I garb summer and Josh grabs Noah and we head inside. Once we open the door I out Summer down and I hear someone yell. "Auntie Jay!" Once I hear that I know who it is there is only one person who calls me that and it Aden. Aden is Dominic and Rachel's son and the future alpha of the pack. He runs into my arms and gives me a big hug.

"Hey buddy how's it going?"

"Good. Can summer come and play on the play ground with me?"

"Ya sure remember to yell is someone comes near you that you don't know or if any of you two gets hurt."

"Ya we know." Summer says and Aden nods.

"Ok then go and have fun." I and they run away.

"Hey you guys." Rachel says as she walks over to us with a hand on her belly. She is currently four months pregnant.

"Hey how's it going?'

"You know waking up with morning sickness but other than that everything's good."

"That's good. So do you know what the meeting is about?'

"Nope Dominic won't tell me but whatever it is, it can't be good because he has been nervous ever since he called the meeting."

"Oh sounds scary."

"Hey guys just remember it can't be that bad if it could wait till the morning."

"Ya your right." I say and I lean into him and he puts his free arm around my shoulder.

"I suppose." Rachel says. We talk for a few more minutes before we are called into the meeting room. We follow Rachel into the room. She takes her place beside Dominic and is it beside her and Josh beside me. The new beta Nick and his mate are on the other side of Dominic. Then the elders sit on the rest of the seat. It really makes uncomfortable to sit in the same room as Josh's dad because he hates me. The elders are the former members of the board for the pack. A few more members of the pack enter the room and stand around the other side of the table. Then Dominic calls the meeting to order.

"ok so I know you guys are wondering why I called you guys here but first let start this off as if it was a normal meeting.' He says and I know that he is just trying to hold off telling us the real reason for the meeting. "Ok so is there any problems I should know about that I haven't been told yet?' I look around the room and no one holds up their hand. I hear Dominic sigh and then he stands up. " Ok then the reason I called you guys here is because there is a pack that has been falling apart fort he last few years and needs our help. I tried to get the king werewolf counsel to get another pack but they say that we have to do it. Are there any questions?' He asks and a few people raise their hand me included. "Jay."

"Why would you try to turn down a pack who needs help?' I ask and I see that everyone puts their hands down because they were going to ask the same question.

"Wellitstheredbloodpack." he mumbles.

"Don't mumble son spit it out." His dad says.

"Ok Well its the red blood pack." he says and the pack growls.

"What." I yell.

"I'm so sorry Jasmine but I had to take it I had no choice."

"it's ok I understand, So when are we leaving?"

"We?" Josh asks. "No you aren't going any where near them."

"Josh I have to."

"Like hell you are."

"No Josh she is right she has to go because she is the pack warrior."

"Y and besides, they think I'm dead."

"Fine but if she is going I'm going and the kids." He says.

"I wouldn't even try to stop you. Ok so are there any more questions?' This time one of the elders puts up his hand. "Yes Dan."

"Who's all going with you?"

"Well, Rachel, Jay, Josh, Avery, Sarah, Zack, Aj, Tj, alec and any of their kids that are coming." He say and everyone nods. "Ok so I am leaving Nick in charge and we are leaving tomorrow at noon and will make it there by ten. We will stop every so often so people can stretch their legs and for dinner. We will be gone for a month or a month and a half tops."

"Ok sounds good." Everyone says.

"Well then the meeting is over and I will let you guys go back to your normal life or to start packing for the trip. Oh and Jay can I talk to you for a minute in my office."

"Ya sure." I say and I stand up while everyone else leaves the room.

"I'll be at the playground with Summer." Josh says and he leaves the room. I then follow Dominic to his office.

"Ok so what did you want to see me for?' I ask once Dominic sits in his chair and I sit in one of the chairs on the opposite side of him.

"I just wanted to make sure that you aren't mad at me."

"I'm not mad you said you tried to get out of it but the counsel is making us go or did you make that up."

"No I tried to get out of it."

"then I'm not mad."

"Ok that was all. Oh and I want you to know that I will watch out for you while we are there because you are like a sister to me."

"I know you will you old softy. Now come on your son is at the pack with Josh and summer." I say as I stand up and head towards the door.

"ok after you." He says and bows down while gesturing to the door which makes me laugh.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that night while the kids are sleeping I Pack up everything that we will need for the trip. Which is a lot for a family of four. I have to remember to pack the kids ni nis and their favorite stuff animals. Summer has a stuffed monkey that she sleeps with every night and Noah has a stuffed dog. I also have to pack enough snacks and thing for the kids to do while in the car and at my old packs land. When I lay down to sleep all I can think about is how bad things are going to be when they realise that i'm not dead and I hope they don't figure it out right away .

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