Fresh starts

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We walk out of Zander's room and we go to the stair well. We go down to the main floor and then over to the basement door. "why is she in the basement?" I try the door but it's locked. "Zander what is going on?"

"Well when you left, dad lost it. He started to beat me and when she was born he hid her in the basement. If she made a noise then he would hit her."

"What?" I snap and then I take a deep breath. "ok I'm going to go down, can you go and tell Rachel to grab the kids and we will go out. Meet me at my car." I say as I close my eyes and picture the basement and I pop inside. I see a girl in raggy dress. she has long brown hair that is all in a mess.

"Please don't hurt me." she says as she slides into a corner and hugs her knees to her chest.

"I'm not going to hurt you. i'm your sister Jasmine but you can call me Jay. What's your name."

"I don't have a name, sir never gave me one."

"He makes you call him sir?"


"Ok I'm going to kill him." I say and I see that I scared her. "Do you want to come live with me and my family, I promise we will keep you safe." I say and she nods her head.

"Ok how about I call you Faith."

"That pretty." she says. I walk over to her and I pick her up and she hugs me really tight.

"Ok I need you to close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to"

"Ok." she says a she shuts her eyes. I close mine and I think of the room that we are staying in. I open my eyes and I see that it worked.

"Ok you can open your eyes now." I say as I set her down on my bed. "So let get you some clothes." I say. I walk over to the dresser and I grab out a pair of shorts and a pink t-shirt. I quickly get her dresses. "Faith how old are you." I ask.


"Ok, I have a daughter who is four and i'm sure you will get along with." I say then add. "come on we are going to go out." I say.

"But you said you wouldn't hurt me, you lied just like sir." She yells as she tries to pull away from me.

"Honey, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just taking you and my other kids out to have some fun."

"Oh I'm sorry mommy." She says as she starts to skip towards the door. I know that I shouldn't let her call me mom but she needs a stable parent in this life. We walk outside and I pick her up so I know that she is safe. I walk over to the car and I see, that Rachel has all the kids with us.

"Ok so I was thinking we can go to the beach and then we can go out for pizza." I say and Summer, Faith and Aden all yell yay. "But first we have to stop and buy swimsuits because I forgot to pack them."

"I didn't pack any either." Rachel says.

"Ok then Zander you are with Rachel and Faith you are with me.." I say. Rachel hands me Noah while the kids go and get into the cars.

"So who are the kids." She asks and I explain everything. "Oh Jay I'm so sorry you had to find out this." she says.

"Ya and well I'm not going to leave them here so do you think you could talk to Dominic for me?"

"Sure but I already know why he going to say." she says.

"Anything for my little sis." We say at the same time and we laugh.

"Mommy are you coming?" Summer yells from the back seat.

"Yes honey make sure you two are buckled in." I say and she closes her window.

"Ok so just follow me I know where to buy them and then I'll show you the beach." I say and she nods and walks over to her truck. I walk over to my car and I buckle Noah in. I make sure the girls are buckled then I hop in the front seat and turn the car on.

"Mommy tunes please." Summer says and I turn I the radio and they play she will be loved.

"Beauty queen of only eighteen

She had some trouble with herself

He was always there to help her

She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door

I've had you so many times but somehow I want more

I don't mind spending every day

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

Tap on my window, knock on my door

I want to make you feel beautiful

I know I tend to get so insecure

It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies

It's compromise that moves us along, yeah

My heart is full and my door's always open

You come anytime you want, yeah.

I don't mind spending every day

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

I know where you hide alone in your car

Know all of the things that make you who you are

I know that goodbye means nothing at all

Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls


Tap on my window knock on my door

I want to make you feel beautiful

I don't mind spending every day

Out on your corner in the pouring rain, oh.

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

Yeah, yeah.

I don't mind spending every day

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye"

So we listen to a few more songs, buy our bathing suits and enjoy our day off.

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