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"Jasmine if you don't get up your going to be late to school." My mother yells from the kitchen where she is making breakfast. I sigh and get out of bed and walk into my connected bathroom. I turn on the shower and I hop in. I wash my hair and body, then I get out and wrap a towel around my hair and body. I walk back into my room and I put on some mascara and lip gloss and then I blow dry my hair. I walk over to my closet and I grab a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top that ties around my neck. I grab my keys and my phone and I put them into my pockets. Then I grab my back pack on the way out my door. I walk down stairs and I put my back pack on the counter and jump up and sit beside it.

"Morning mom." She has long brown wavy hair and has blue eyes. I defiantly have some of her features.

"Morning sweetheart." She says and she was about to say something else but then my brother Zander comes running into the room. He is six years old, he has black hair and brown eyes he is a spitting image of my dad. A few seconds later my dad comes into the room pretending to be a monster. As I said he has black hair and brown eyes.

"Dad really your a grown werewolf and you are chasing a six year old through the house." I say and yes we are werewolves, the betas to be exact. He shakes his head and walks over to my mom and gives her a kiss which causes Zander to cover his eyes and say "gross."

"Morning to you too." he says then adds, "Are you ready to step up for the role of the beta at the end of the month?"

"Ya I guess." I say. Then my mother finishes cooking breakfast and we all sit down to eat. Once we finish my dad runs off to the pack house and I get Zander ready for school. Once he is ready I drive him to school and then I head to my school. Once I get there I park my truck and I head to my locker.

"Nice car seat how old is you kid? I hear someone ask.

"Why isn't it the school loner." Chelsea the head cheer leader says causing her group to laugh. I ignore her and I head inside to my locker. The truth is that I wasn't always a loner. I had a best friend named Sam she was bullied even more and they treated her like a punching bag. One day she had enough and she took some pills and was found the next morning when I went wake her up. I take out my after noon class books and I head to my homeroom. I get through all my classes.






When the last bell rings ending the day of school. I walk out of the class room trying to grab my stuff and leave this hell hole. Just when I think that I'm in the clear I walk right into a wall, that sends sparks flying though out my body and end up flat on my back. "Mate" my wolf Jamie whispers and I can feel her trying to get out. I look up and I see that's its Jake the soon to be Alpha. He pulls me up off of the ground by my arm and slams me into to the lockers. "Your daddy can't save you from what I'm going to do. I need someone strong and someone who has lots of friends to be the Luna of my pack. I Jake Ackenson reject you Jasmine Johnston as my mate." He says and then he throws me down to the ground and walks away holding hands with Chelsea.

"Whatever." I mumble under my breath even though I can feel tears in my eyes. I quickly grab my stuff and I hop into my truck and I let the tears fall. I make sure to clean myself up before I pick up Zander.

"hey bud, how was school." I ask.

"Good, I learned how to spell because."

"Wow that's cool." I say and we listen to music on the way home. When we get home he watches TV with our mom and I go up to my room. I let the tears fall a little more an that's when I decide what I'm going to do. I will run away and hope not to get killed. I grab my duffel bag out of my closet and I pack my favorite clothes. I grab a picture of my family and one of me and Sam. Then I go to my bathroom and I grab my shampoo and conditioner and my body wash and lotion. Then I grab my make up and I sit down at my desk and write some notes.

Dear mom+ dad

If you found this letter than you have found that I ran away. I want you to remember that I love you both very much and that me running away has nothing to do with you. I have been bullied for years and no they never hurt me because they would never hurt the betas precious daughter. I know that me leaving is going to be hard on you, the pack and most of all zander. But with the rejection from my mate, who happens to be the soon to be alpha Jake, just drives me past my breaking point. I hope that one day I will find see you again but for now I have to say goodbye.

Love you always


Then I grab another piece of paper and write a note to the most important person.

Dear Zander

I want you to know that I never in a million years would trade you for anyone else. I want you to know that you are going to make the best beta in the world. I promise you that I will come back to see you. I really enjoyed watching you grow up and I hope that you don't hate me. I need this and I hope you understand. I would have taken you if you wanted but then the pack would be deprived of the next generation of the beta blood line. I hope that you will grow up and meet a beautiful girl who would be your mate and I hope you are happy. But this is goodbye, for now at least.

love you forever and always

your big sister Jasmine

Then I write the letter that I really don't want to write.

Dear pack

I am so sorry that I had to leave on such short notice, but I had to leave so my own sake. I know that you guys didn't like me, but you had to put up with me because I was going to be your future alpha but I things change. I left and I am leaving my position to my younger brother Zander but that would have happened anyway. I was rejected and if you want to blame someone blame your soon to be alpha. He pushed your future Luna over the edge and has driven me away.


I then tuck all the letters into their envelopes, and I take one last look around my room. Then I walk over to my window and toss my bag down to the ground. I jump down the two stories and land on my feet without even feeling hurt. Then I walk over to my truck and I hop in. I start the car and I head off to start my new life.

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