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Unknown pov

Finally my plan is coming together. Soon my plan will come into action. Just then the door burst open. "Who dare enter without knocking." I yell.

"Shut up mutt it's my office and I will enter how ever I want." The voice booms.

"Alpha I see you finally made it."

"Ah yes now I need an update in what's going on."

"Well our seeker has discovered that the girls in the girls family have magic and they know how to use it. Also that that's she has a five year old girl, a baby boy and is taking care of her siblings."

"I knew about the girl but the boy and the siblings are new to me he guards in the cells weren't up for chit hating very much anymore." He says with a smirk in his eyes. "So we haven't loss any of our members yet?"

"No that witch we have is very powerful."

"Ah yes the witch let's go visit her shall we." He says before leaving the room. Leaving me to follow him in silence. Along the way people bow their head in respect to their alpha and the ones that don't know him just make sure their aren't in their way. We soon make our way down the stair leading to the cells. We make our way over to the cell that holds the witch.

"Who the hell are you?" She snaps.

"I am the alpha of this pack and you will treat me with respect or your daughters will get it."

"Don't you dare hurt them I'm coin everything that you ask." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Get me the older one." Alpha snaps at me.

"No!" The witch yells but it's too late once alpha has something on his mind there's nothing you can do. I walk down two cells to where her girls are being held. I unlock the door and grab the older one by her hair.

"No please let me go!" She yells at the same time that her younger sister yells.

"No don't." But I just ignore their pleas and drag her over to her moms cell.

"Mom!" The girl yells and try's to get to her but gets pulled back because I still have her hair.

"Give her to me." Alpha says and grabs her and hold her tightly to him.he reaches with one and and puts her bangs behind her ear. I look at the girl and see fear in her eyes

"Now how should I make you under stand that you should show me respect. He moves his hand towards the girls neck as if he was going to snap it. "Now see how easy it is to snap your girls neck." He says.

"No don't hurt her please." The witch pleads.

"Fine I won't hurt her much but how about you my dear come with me to my room and I can have some fun with you." He says.

"No please don't." The girls says with tears in her eyes at the same time the mom yell.


"Oh you guys think that you have a choice that's cute." He says before he pulls the girl towards the stairs.

"You will rot in hell." The witch says.

"Honey we will see about that." I say before I walk away leaving her in tears.

Josh pov

I was watching the movie scream when my phone goes off and quickly excuse myself to answer the phone. "Hey Greg what's up?"

"We are on our way back to the Red Moon territory because Alex has excepted." He say in a rush and My wolf growls because someone is after his mate.

"How?" I asks and I see Dominick come into the room I guess he heard me growl.

"I don't know we were at a restaurant when it happened."

"You better get her and my kids back her ASAP." I growl into the phone and I see that Dominic has a questioning but worried face.

"We went back to the pack house and piled into a SUV and are on our way there with five guards in this one and five more in the other one." He says and I let out a sigh of relief.

"I want you to mind link me the second you get to the border of the territory and we will meet you outside."

"Will do talk to you later." He says before he hangs up. I put my phone my into my pocket and punch a hole in the closest wall.

"Josh calm down and tell me what happened." He says using his alpha tone on me so my wolf will have no choice but to calm down. Now that I'm not fighting for control I see that Rachel and a couple other people have come into the kitchen.

"It's Alex he escaped and they are bringing Jay here with ten guards." I say as I sit down at the table. "I knew I should have gone with her to protect her and my pups." I say as I feel the anger fight to break the alpha command.

"Josh there I noting you can do just be holy that she is being brought back here to you." Rachel says as she gives me a hug.

"And besides we all here will protect her when she comes and I know the my pack will make sure he never touches her." Dominick says. "Now let's go get a good nights sleep so when she comes here tomorrow we won't be tired."


Hey short chapter but I was busy this week studying for my anthro test that I totally spaced on writing this chapter so it's just a filler chapter.

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