My new life

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5 years later

It has been five years since I "died" and everything is good. Josh and I got married and we had a beautiful baby girl who is turning four today and a son who is ten months. "Mommy!" my daughter Summer yells from out in the hall. I get up trying not to wake up Josh. I walk out of the room and I see summer in her pj's standing outside the door.

"What are you doing up?"

"Noah's crying."

"Well lets go get him up then I will make your favorite breakfast." I say as I grab her hand and we walk down the hall to Noah's nursery. When we get to the room I walk over to the crib and pick him up while Summer grabs me a diaper. I change him and I get him dressed. Then we go to summers room and I grab her a pink dress and I leave her to get dressed while I start to cook her pancakes. A few minutes later I hear her skipping down the stairs. I pour the first six pancakes on the grill and then I grab the bender out. I walk over to the fridge and pull out some strawberries and blueberries.

"save me some strawberries please." Summer says.

"yes honey I will." I say as I pour some blueberries into the blender then some strawberries. I put the lid on and turn it on. then I go and flip the pancakes. Once the fruit is done I turn off the blender and pour it into a bowl. Once the pancakes are done I put them on a plate and I feed summer. Then I put on a pot of coffee. I grab the bowl of fruit and I sit in the chair beside Noah's high chair. I feed him a couple bites then I yell.

"Josh time to get up the pack meeting is in an hour."

"be right there." He yells back. I finish feeding Noah and then I pour two cups of coffee and I drink one of them. Josh comes down a few minutes after I call him and he is dressed in a blue t-shirt and black shorts. He walks over to me and gives me a kiss.

"Morning beautiful."

"morning." I say then add. "Can you watch the kids while I get ready."

"Ya but don't take too long you know Dominic will have a cow if we are late." He says and I whack him on the arm.

"Shut up or you can sleep on the couch." I say and I walk out of the room. When I get upstairs I grab a towel and head into the bathroom. I shower and then I get out and I walk into our closet. I change into a pair of skinny jeans and a red halter top. I look into the mirror and I see the scar that I have on my neck. I remember when I got it.

Flash back

I was out walking in the garden my second day here and I was enjoying the sun set when someone came up behind me and pushed me to the ground. I flip over before I reach the ground so I didn't land on my broken arm. I look up and I see Alex standing above me, his eyes are black meaning his wolf is in charge. "you listen here, I'm the beta here and you must listen to me. You are going to come with me and not make a noise or I will kill you very painfully."

"ok just don't kill me.' I say. He pulls me up by my non broken arm and pulls me out of the garden and into the forest. We walk for about an hour before we reach a shed in the middle of no where. He pushes me inside and then he follows me inside. Inside there was a small kitchen, a bathroom and a bed. On one of the walls there was two towel hooks. He pulls me over to them and pulled out two sets of handcuffs. "Alex please don't do this." He pushes me to the ground and puts on some gloves and them he dips the handcuffs into some liquid and in a sec I know what it is. Silver.

"I can do whatever I want I'm the beta and besides no one knows where we are." He says as he attaches one side of the hand cuffs to the towel hooks with his foot holding me down. Then he pulls me up and puts the handcuffs on my wrists, which cause me to cry out in pain. Then he walks over to the kitchen and grabs a chefs knife. "Now it's time to die." He says as he dips it in silver.

"but you promised me you wouldn't kill me if I listened to you."

"I lied and now you are going to have a painful death." He says as he steps closer to where I am. He moves my hair out of my face and I scream for help.

"someone please hep me."

"be quiet." He snaps and I feel him push the knife into the side of my neck and I let the screams come out. Suddenly the door gets kicked in and I see Josh and Dominic and a few other wolves who I recognise but don't know their names. I feel them pull Alex away and he yells. "I will kill you if it's the last thing I do." As he was being pulled out Dominic and Josh run over to me.

"Oh my god Jasmine are you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine" I lie.

"I'm going to kill him." Dominic says as he gets up and runs out of the cabin and a minute later I hear a howl.

"Come on lets get you to the doctor." he says as he picks me up and carries me out of the cabin. I don't even protest because all of a sudden I feel like I'm going to pass out. "I honestly don't know what I would of done if I lost her." He whispers under his breath but I hear him. I allow the sleepiness to take over my body but before I passed out I heard him say. "I love you, wait no don't fall asleep." But it's too late because soon all I saw was darkness. When I woke up I was healed but I had a scar on my neck and we had a new beta because Alex was locked up for good.

End of flash back.

"Jay hurry up." Josh yells from down stairs. Yes I change my name to Jay so when people are asking about the pack warrior they think Jay is a guy and well not me.

"One Sec grabbing a bag for the kids." I yell back. I run to the kids rooms and I grab the diaper bag and a colouring book and some crayons. I run down the stairs and we head to the pack house for a sudden meeting that came up last night.

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