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Josh's point of view

'Roses are red

Violets are blue

I know something that you don't

So when you know the puzzle will show the one that know your way to your pride and joy'

"I think that they are talking about Jay being pregnant" Dominic says after a while of silence.

"I know which means that they might hurt the baby." I say as I sit down on an arm chair and cover my face with my hands. "I can't lose any more people I care about." I mumble more to myself then to them. I fell Rachel come and sit on the arm of the chair and place her hand on my shoulder.

"We are going to do the best that we can to get them all back the best we can." She says trying to make me feel better.

"Beside we shouldn't be sitting here and letting them to get to us but we should be trying to find a plan to find them." Dominic says before standing up and making his way to the office that he is using. We all follow him into his office. He then picks up the phone and calls David our best tracker which he puts on speaker. "Hey David it's me could you come down here and help Jay has been kidnapped along with Summer and her sister Faith by Alex?"

"Yeah sure I'll be down there by tonight."

"Ok I will have someone meet you there so there shouldn't be any problems with you crossing the border."

"Ok goodbye Alpha." He says before hanging up.

Jays Point of view

"Wakey wakey!" I hear someone say and I sit up and see Alex standing outside of the cell. My hands automatically go to wrap around my stomach. "Oh Jay dear you can't protect that thing in inside of you forever." He says and then opens the door to the cell.

"Mommy!" Faith and Summer say before running over to me. A couple of rouges come in and grab the girls from me.

"No you can't take them." I yell as I pull on one of the rouges arms, which only causes Alex to pull me towards his chest holding me tightly while I struggle to grab the girls. Once they are out of the cell the rouges place them in the cell across from mine.

"There now they won't get in the way while I deal with you." He says as one of the rouges brings in a box of things and then leaves out the door before locking it behind him. Alex lets go of me and I rush over to the bed. He digs in the box and grabs out a whip. "Ah my favorite." He says and I see the light glisten off the tool and instantly know that it's made of Silver. "Now I was going to do it the easy way but I think the hard way is a lot better to deal with our little problem." He says before he flings the whip over his shoulder and then brings it down.

Josh's point of view

We have been sitting here for an hour waiting for Greg to bring David back here so we can look. Just then the door opens and they walk in but no one gets a chance to say hi before I scream in pain. Just then I notice that Jake and Mike have also come into the house. "Josh what's wrong?' Rachel asks as she gets down on the floor to make sure I'm ok but before I can answer I scream in pain again. Over and over again and then I relies what it is.

"It's... Jay... she... is... being... whipped." I say in between my screams and then I feel a really bad pain mixed with sadness. "shit." I say before another attack of screams. "She... lost... the... baby." I manage to get out. Before the pain suddenly stops. I stand up from the floor and sit down on the couch.

"Oh god." Rachel says and I see Dominic comforting her. Just then Zander walks in with Noah in his arms and holding Aden's hands.

"What was all the screaming?" He asks as he hands me Noah because he can see the sadness in my face.

"I'll tell you what's going on your brat of a sister was pregnant and just lost the baby and she deserves everything she is getting." Mike says which earns him a growl from Dominic, Zander and me.

"You know what dad shut up. Jasmine doesn't deserve what she got so go to hell." Zander yells before leaving the room to calm down since his wolf took over.

"Now please leave us alone you're not welcome here both of you." Dominic asks while he is trying to control his wolf.

"This is my land and I can do whatever I want." Jake says trying to act all tough.

"Fine you stay and we will leave." He says and stands up.

"Fine I will leave." He says before grabbing Mike's shirt and dragging him out the door.

"Ok now that that's over Hi David and thanks for coming." Dominic says to Mike.

"No problem anyways Jay is like a sister to me so I would do anything to help with her and her family plus its my job." He adds trying to be funny but no one response.

"Ok so where do we start?"

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