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Josh's point of view

"Jay? I'm home." I call into the empty house. When I don't hear an answer I hand a sleeping Noah to Zander. "Watch the kids I'll be right back, something isn't right."

"Ok, come on let's go watch toy story." Zander says as he leads the kids into the living room with his mate following close behind. Once I hear the sound of the TV playing, I make my way up stairs and into our bedroom.

"Jay are you here," I ask into the empty room. When I don't hear an answer I scan the room and my eyes come across something's laying on the bed. I walk over to the bed and notice there are eight letters on be bed. I read all the names on the letters.








Dominic /pack

I put the notes down on the bed and open the one that had my name on it. After reading the note my wolf let's put a loud growl and tries to take over my body but I won control of my body. I need to calm down before I see my kids.


"We have to go after her; we can't just let her leave." I growl at Dominic after he finishes reading his letter.

"We have to respect what she wanted; she was scared from the moment she remembered what happened. Right Dominic?" Rachel argues

"I'm sorry but I have to agree with Josh on this one, if she finds Alex and he gets her he is going to hurt her, eventually he will get bored and kill her we can't take this chance."

"Great so let's start looking?"

"Relax Josh we have to come up with a plan first."

"What's there to plan, she is wondering around the woods trying to find where he is. That's what we have to do and we can get farther than her since we can go in our wolf form she is on foot."

"We can't just go around blindly there are rouges and other alphas to worry about." Dominic says.

"But Dominic every second we waist here, Jay is getting further from here and closer to him, so I say we go out in groups of let's say four and try to find her."

"Ok fine let's stick with that plan, everyone. Now I want everyone to get into groups, Josh, And Greg you're with me. Rachel and Sam I want you to stay here and watch over her kids, we need you to keep their minds off the fact that their mom left them." Rachel says and Sam nods.

"Ok we will take them to the park or something."

"No I want you to take them and all the other children and pregnant to the Safe house."


"Ok everyone let's get going we need to get to her before anyone else does." Dominic orders and with that everyone gets ready.

Jasmines point of view

I have been running for a long time and my feet are getting sore, so I decide to sit at the bottom of q tree near the bank or a small pond. It reminds me of the one that we have back home, which is also, the place that Josh purposed by. 'How can I do this to my family?' I ask myself. I keep getting images of my happy family hanging out together; my wolf is showing me our memories trying to get me to go back to them.

'We have to they are our family and we love them.' She says

'You know why I'm going this it's so our family and friends don't get hurt.'

'But this pup we are carrying you know he is going to take him or her away from us or he is going to kill it because he won't believe that it's his.'

So I decided that I'm going. So after I make it back to the pack house I notice that there was no one here. So I made my way back to my house and saw no one was there either. I hope Alex didn't attack when I wasn't here but then there would be blood everywhere. "So what happened to everyone?" I ask out loud. Well I might as well get cleaned up and change my clothes.

So after I picked out my clothes and went for a bath I thought of ways that I could try to get a hold of them, if they went out in wolf form their cell phones would be in a safe in the office so that's out. "Oh ya I could call the safe house." So I go to the kitchen and use the landline. The phone rings and rings and rings but no one answers so I'm just about to hang up when someone picks up the phone.

"Jay is that you?" I hear Rachel frantically ask.

"Yes it's me where is everyone?"

"They went out to look for you but Jay its Alex."

"What about him."

"He... He took Summer." She says and then burst in tears and i drop the phone.

"Jasmine, Jasmine are you there?" I hear Rachel yelling through the phone but I can't bring myself to pick it up off the floor. After a while I guess she hangs up because I can't hear her breathing coming from the phone anymore. So I just sit there on the floor in the kitchen crying until the door burst open.

"Jay where are you?" I hear Josh yell as I see him running into the kitchen.

"J...j...Josh." I stutter. "He... he... he took her." I managed to choke out before I burst into tears yet again.

"Shhh, we are going to get her back, he won't get away with this it has been going on too long." He says as he rubs my back at I cry. Suddenly there is a sharp pain in my stomach and I scream and clutch my belly where I know there is something wrong with the baby. "Jasmine what's wrong?" he asks concern filling his voice.

"Josh there is something wrong with the baby." I cry. Before I scream from the sudden pain that shoots though my body.

"Come on let's get you to the hospital, Zander watch the kids please." I hear Josh say before he licks me up bridal style and rushes me to the pack hospital.


The stupid beeping sound of the machine is annoying me since it woke me up from my nap. Now that there is two different machines it's ten times worse. After Josh got me to the hospital they rushed me in and gave me something for the pain. They said that it's the stress from everything hag is going on. So they said that inhale to stay here in bed rest until the baby is born and then if everything is right we will both get to home. I just have to stay here and rest while everyone else around me is fighting to try to find my daughter. Suddenly the beeps of my machine come faster and Josh looks up at me from where he was sleeping. "Jay you have to calm down it's not good for the baby."

"Josh I can't just sit here and relax while my daughter is out there with Alex. Anything could happen to her."

"I know you're worried but everyone will make sure that we find her, but we all need you to rest and make sure that you and our baby is ok."

"But it's not our baby, Josh. It's mine and Alex's."

"It doesn't matter that baby is going to be my kid, I will be the father in its life. I don't care if the baby isn't blood related to me or not. Any child of yours is going to be mine. It doesn't make it any less special then the others." He says and I can't help but let the smile spread across my face.

"I love you Josh, you always know what to say." I say as I give him a big hug.

"I love you too."


This is the last chapter. I'll write the write up for the second book and post it. Hope you guys enjoyed this book and thanks you all for supporting my love of writing.

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