Is that love I feel?

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Jasmines point of view

After seeing Jake kissing the girl and having him break my heart... Well again I guess, I ran all the way back to the house I was in and ran into Sam. Once she saw the tears running down my face ah pulled me to the room I woke up in. She holds me while I cried and rubbed by back. Soon we just decided it was time to go to sleep. "Goodnight Sam." I say.

"Night Jasmine." She says very weakly and it's the first time I heard her speak today. I was going to ask her about that but she fall asleep. So I just laid there and started at the ceiling. All of a sudden I hear a baby crying so I get out of bed and made my way down the hall to the room. Inside the crib was a baby boy who looked about two years old, I look around the room and see the name Noah painted above the crib. Since I didn't smell anyone coming I went over and picked him up. He immediately snuggles closer to me and stopped crying. So I rubbed his back until he fall asleep and then I tried to put him back into his crib without waking him and succeeded. So I left the room but closing to door behind me and made my way back to the room I was in before. So I laid back down and soon felt myself falling asleep.


I was laying on a bed in a cell. I could still the whips from a whip dipped in silver. I had an arm around my stomach and crying softly in the wall of the cell. Just hen I hear some feet coming down the hall and the tears start to fall faster. "Ok Jasmine let's hurry up and get that thing out of you so the real fun can start."

"Alex please don't hurt my baby please." I plead with the guy at the door of the cell.

"Sorry no can do dear old Jasmine that thing inside must go." He says as he steps closer before binging the whip out from behind him.

"Please spare the life of my baby, I will do anything." I plead even more.

"You know I love it when your begging but it won't get you what you want now let's begin." He says before he rings down the whip over and over again. With each one i scream louder.

End of dream

I wake up to someone shaking me awake and I jolt awake with one last scream before I collapse into the arms of the person who woke me up. "It hurt so much.." I whisper out.

"I know." Josh's says as he runs my back. I don't car if he is a stranger it just seems right to be in his arms.

"I begged him... to spare the life... of my baby ... But he wouldn't stop." I cry into his shoulder.

"Some people just don't have hearts." I cry just a little longer into his arms. It's then that I see that Sam left the room. Soon I feel myself falling asleep. I guess that Josh sees that so he lays me done on the bed. He kisses my head and whispers. "I will always live you under his breath as he leaves the room. Suddenly I feel very lonely.

"Josh? Umm could you.. Please maybe stay with me I'm scared to be alone."

"Of course." He sad as he crawls into the spot where Sam was sleeping. He keeps on his side of the bed. So I love over so that I'm touching him slightly.




I up the next morning to two little girls jumping on the bed. "Wake up." They both yell. I notice that the girl from the night before is one if the two.

"Summer Faith, I thought I told you two not to come in here." Josh's scolds the girls.

"Sorry daddy." They both say and I take this time to quietly leave the room.

"Mommy where are you going?" The other little girl asks.

"Faith honey, mommy still isn't feeling better so we have to leave her alone until she is feeling better." Josh says and with that I leave the room. I head down the stairs and find my way to the kitchen where there is about six people in their either cooking pancakes and bacon and the others are eating. I see Sam sitting beside her mate and eating very slowly. So I go and sit beside her.

"Hey sorry if I woke you up last night." I say to her and she just nods her head, instead of answering out loud.

"Was everything ok?" Her mate asks me.

"Ya it was just a bad dream." I say as I help myself to some food. Soon Josh and the girls come and join everyone, along with Noah the baby from last night.

"Mama!" The little boy says as his eyes lite up when he spots me, but soon gets distracted by another little in the room. I quickly finish eating and then rinse my plate in the sink.

"Excuse me." I say quickly before I take off towards the back yard. Once I get out back I see an outdoor barbecue area, a pool with an hot tub and a kids play set with swing attached. I make my way over to the swing set and slowly push myself with my feet. Was that dream a memory or was it just a dream? Is that why I can't remember parts of my life. "Am I ever going to remember all those people in that room?" I ask to the empty sky above me.




1 month later

I've spent the last month trying to remember something anything about the time I forgot. But so far nothing. I still can't sleep alone at night and Josh spends every night with me not trying to push anything. So here I am siting on the swing in the back like I do almost me everyday. While the family is inside enjoying their life. I think about the baby that I lost back In the dream. As I look up into the window from the kitchen I see this happy family enjoying life while I just sit here and think about what happened in my past. And I have this feeling in my heart every time I see Josh and I don't know what it is? Is that love I feel?


I need a new character for the next chapter so the 50th person to like this chapter will have the character named after you or your choice of name.

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