News and decisions

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"Well I would like to run a test just to be sure but it is possible. "

"How come you didn't pick up on it before when you checked her out?"

"It might have been too soon to tell depending on when the baby was conceived"

"Yeah that's fine." I say just so they know that I'm still in the room since they were now just having a conversation themselves.

Josh's point of view

"I know what's wrong I'm pregnant with Alex's Baby." Jay says and I fell like if I was drinking anything it would have me spitting it back out.

"Well I would like to run a test just to be sure but it is possible. " The pack doctor says.

"How come you didn't pick up on it before when you checked her out?" I ask the pack doctor since when Jays was out she tested to make sure there was nothing else there.

"It might have been too soon to tell depending on when the baby was conceived" She says coming to her case, I know it may have sounded rude the way I said it and I know it's not her fault.

"Yeah that's fine." Jay says from the bed where she is still sitting.

"Ok I will be back." After she grabs the things she needs she takes the test and then runs the tests. After she gets the results she confirms that the test came back positive.

"Great we can go home now. " Jay says as she hops off the bed and heads towards the door.

"Thanks doctor." I say before following Jay out the door. Once we get back to the pack house we see everyone watching a movie in the living room.

"Oh what movie are we watching?" Jay asks as she picks up Summer from where she was sitting and sitting down with her on her lap.

"Peter pan mommy, now be quiet." Faith says causing everyone to laugh.

"OK well since you guys look comfy I'm going to go for a run." I say and leave before they get a chance to respond. I take off my clothes before shifting and running into the woods to think.


Jasmines Point of view

3 months later

I have been thinking a lot, about what happened in the past and what is going to happen in the future so I decided that the right thing for me to do is to run away to keep my family and pack safe. I know it something that a coward would do but think of it this way. I'm not going to become a rouge especially with a baby on the way but I'm going to track down Alex and surrender myself to him. So since everyone is busy I decide that now is the right time to do it. So I take out paper and a pen and sit down at the desk.


Hey I guess if you found these letters then I guess you noticed I'm not there. I have been thinking a lot about what's been going on with Alex so I decided that it's the best thing to do is to go and find him and turn myself in. I know that you guys would say that it not a problem or it's just your job but I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt. I love you Josh and I always will and I need you to do me a favor. I want you to be there for the kids no matter what. Summer and Faith need someone to be there for them when they meet their mate and when they get married. Also Noah needs you to be the person who he wants to be when he grows up. So I need you to be strong and be there for the kids after all they need one parent. Oh and another favor I need you to forget about me, it's for the best if you just go on with your life and forget. Meet someone new and have a happy life together. Goodbye Josh.

Love you forever and always,



Hey, I guess Josh has found you and told you that I'm gone. I want you to know that I feel really bad about leaving you again but this is the only way that I could think of that would mean you and anyone else there won't get hurt because of Alex. I need you to do me a favor. Please looks out for my kids and Josh, and especially our sister Faith she is always going to remember what out dad did to her and I need you to be the one she can come to, to talk about to you. Also, I want to wish you luck with your mate and your Future spot as alpha since Jake is locked up and you would be next in line since he doesn't have any siblings. Also enjoy your future family and don't forget about what you have. If you ever need someone to talk to or need advice you can always go to Rachel, she was always there for me and I know she will be there for you as well. Take care Zander.

Love your big sister,



I want you guys to know that mommy love you very much and she left to make sure that you guys are all safe. Don't worry about me I will be fine, and I will always love you. I want you guys to grow up and have happy lives with your mates and future families. Make sure that your dad helps you out and you can go to Rachel for whatever you might need. Enjoy the rest of your lives and live them to the fullest. Goodbye and ii love you.




I'm so happy that your back safe and sound and I hope that you get everything that you ever wanted, but can you make sure that my family is safe. I know they will make sure your safe and I know they love you just the same as I do you. Stay strong and don't let anyone hurt you in any way not that Greg will ever let anyone. Oh and could you please tell Greg goodbye and that I will miss him. Also that he better be good to you. Don't worry about Alex coming back I'm going to turn myself in and make sure he won't hurt you or anyone else. Good bye Sam, it was nice see you again.

Your friend,



You don't know how much it meant to me to have you as my best friend and to have you be the god mother of all the kids. Thanks so much for keeping my secret, there is no way I could thank you well beside what I'm doing now. I found a way that you, your family and anyone else in the pack will be safe. I'm going to find Alex myself and turn myself in. He won't bother you guys if I'm not there and with him. I want you to know that if I get a chance I will bring you this baby I want you to take care of it since I know Josh won't want something that drove me away. I need some who isn't going to punish them for who the dad is. I know this baby won't be safe with Alex he will just make the baby grow up to be just like him. Thank you so much for everything you did and thanks for understanding. Goodbye Rachel

Best friends forever,


Dominic /pack,

I know that you know that I left to go find Alex by myself but I want to thank you for always being there and being like a brother to me. Thanks for welcoming me into your pack and protecting me from harm's way but this is something I wanted to do to repay for everything. Please make sure that Josh and my family are safe. Tell the pack that I'm doing this for them and that I want to thank everyone. Goodbye Dominic and thanks again for everything.



So after all the notes are done and put where I want them I pack a quick bag with things I will need before I sneak out the front door and head towards the woods and I make my way towards where I saw Alex head last. I take one last look towards the pack house before making my way out of the territory. Since I can't shift due to me being pregnant I have to make the journey on foot.


I have decided that I want to make a second book but I want to know how many want me to so comment if you want me to make a second book. I would like to share with you what I'm thinking but if I write the write up it will give away the ending for this book. So I will put a write up after the book is over but I still want to see what you think.

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